part two - orders

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I wander down the corridor, towards the staircase leading to the guidance counselor room. Darioku walks in front of me, making me feel belittled slightly, as he's a strong immune. Then again, is anyone actually immune anymore?

Others do walk pass, most not even glancing our way, more focused on staying alive. I don't blame them, as the  grey, mouldy walls threaten to collapse at any time, and to be completely honest, its most likely our only way to stop this.

“Megami!” Someone yells, making me turn around, and find hananko, standing there, with her usual transparent blue mask. Being a lower soldier, or better yet, a medical helper, she's got a more compact breathing apparatus, having to run around a lot. It's still the same baby pink, like she requested, being a normal person, apparently.

I shrug it off, and she catches her breath, getting a infuriated sigh from darioku, as he places the rifles strap on his shoulder, tapping his foot against the damp floor, from the lack of maintenance on the school’s main structure.

I ignore it, and turn back around, waiting. My eyes shift to her gloves, being much like akanes, with a leather main part, Velcroed by the wrist, with the usual red cross sigh on it. They must be pretty sturdy, having nearly no scuffs.

“Big bro wanted to talk to you, about last night.” She pants, bounding around slightly, making me roll my eyes in disappointment. I don't honestly care about his concern, that's the last thing I think about, so why don't he just focus on keeping ayano calm? Just keep lying, and it'll work out.

“I'll talk to him later, I have more pressing matters.” I reply, keeping my tone dead and emotionless, so she gets the idea; I don't care about his feelings right of now.

She pouts, and grumpily stamps her foot, like a idiot, making me yet again, question how she got here.

“Your rude! Big bro cares and you shove it back in his face!” She repiles, looking at the floor, getting a snicker out of darioku, who shuts up as I turn and glance at him, narrowing my gaze to basically say ‘don't you even bother.’

I keep myself calm and collect myself, walking away. She yells something but I don't bother even listening, knowing when genka wants to talk, she means it, after all, she's the only teacher who's actually alive.

We walk down the stairs, and make it to her room.

The door closest to us is bricked off, due to the threat level being way to high to have the remaining adult; stuck in a room, with two doors.

Hokuto and gaku stand by, being immunes as well, and some of the best soldiers, I chose them instantly, even through ayano didn't like her best assets having to stay by a door that barely ever opens.

“has aoi arrived? “ darioku asks, being their leader. They both nod, hokuto gripping his longsword in the sheath. Gaku welds two handguns, one of both sides of his belt, followed by two razor sharp knives.

A little amount of anxiety hits me, knowing I'm not actually the best soldier, and have the most basic weapons, a gun and katana. I'm always outmatched, but these weapons mean something to me, so I won't part with them.

Unlike the others, who got their weapons from the leader of transport from the outside, furredo jonzu, I had gained mine from the headmaster. He had given me his scared blade, knowing he isn't going to make it.

My gun was given to me by my dad, before we got sealed off. It's inscribed with my name, and plated in titanium, the strongest metal he could have made a gun with at the time.

I sigh, and wait for the rusty door to open. You'd think they'd keep this place clean, but that's not surprising when the school is literally run by students.

Darioku mumbles something, as the occult members walk pass, peaking my anger. They are probably more important than the delinquents, helping the two remaining science members, kaga Kusha and meka nikaru. They help with the antidote to the virus. It can stop a mutation occuring, if the infected hasn't reached the decaying skin stage.

I respect them with my life, saving so many students, its unreal, yet few people actually know of their work, only the leaders of each section knows.

“How do we get in?” I ask, snapping myself back into the now, after the quick detour. I shouldn't focus on pathetic trivia, I need to work on the now.

The door opens, and darioku mumbles something, but I don't care, and walk in, finding genka by the door, her presence truly terrifying.

Her whole entire right side is nothing but metal plates, where her skin got gruesomely corroded by a stingers acidic poison. She was tackled by a beetle, that was sakyu basu, whilst the stinger was her sister, inkyu basu. During the fight, the headmaster and itachi warded them off, yet unable of actually killing them, being unarmed.

The headmaster, being immune, was covered in the acid, having no chance to survive. Itachi killed the stinger, and sho kurin ran in, killing the beetle.

I walk in, and she closes the door, the plating making the usual grinding noise, as it stabs its way into my ear drums, making me cringe at the sound, no wonder she never leaves.

Aoi stands there, staring at me in particular, like always.

Her gas mask is, odd, so to speak, as well, she's already infected.

I hated how she ran away from me, as I was nearly killed by the first slasher. I had killed it before I died, but I don't know exactly what happened, but she was attacked, by something, she refuses to say what, but after the struggle, she kept on mumbling ‘the queen’ or something.

Either way, she was found positive for having the virus, but she wasn't a immune, which baffles us to this day. She's never lashed out, or mutated, yet she's basically the same. I thought she was a new breed or something, but she wasn't, having the coding to be a fusion of a slasher and stinger.

I hesitate, and glance at genka, who doesn't say anything, which is no surprise there, being the only one who is in contact with info Chan.

She refuses to say why she only contacts genka, and to be honest, it never peaked my list of needing to know. I have priorities of saving everyone else than my own personal goals.

Aoi sighs, adjusting her mask, as she doesn't have a oxygen supply, but instead just wears one of the masks, for ‘personal reasons’

“What did you want us specifically here for?” I ask, formal, keeping my arms to the side, like I was trained. I don't let my own emotional state affect my thoughts. Aoi mumbles and shakes her head, still with her arms crossed.

I remain calm, and wait for the answer, even through its not right. Something keeps nagging me, and I'm to worried to ask. Genka is a immune, yes, but what kuroko said earlier, and the fact aoi hasn't mutated.

Genka closes the laptop, and her eyes, as she leans against the table on her elbows, whilst her hands support her chin. Aoi comes to life and looks over, waiting just as patiently.

“I need you to kill me.” She repiles, making us jump back, trying to comprehend what she just said.

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