part seven - a banshee's cry

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A/n - had to re upload because of some crazy stuff that made it not work. (Or something idk)

Like always, I leg it behind her, slowly panting, as she carries on, like it's not a marathon.

Disturbingly, nobody is around, which is catching my attention, as we run through the corridors. Something isn't right, why would there be a attack?

Now I know that's a stupid question, but no students have been attacked of recently, that even have the chance of being a mutt, I've killed most.

“Wait!” I yell, abruptly stopping. She stops and looks at me, angry yet confused. Even the building shakes slightly, as its paint falls around us again. I brush it away, and look around, finding the area barren again.

“Well? Care to explain?” She repiles, surprisingly not out of breath. I shurg the lingering questions, and focus myself, glancing around once more.

“Where is everyone?” I ask, staying stern, yet I feel like I'm about to fall unconscious. She hesitates, probably only realising it as well, as she looks around, her jaw slightly dropping.

“You've got a point.” She mumbles, and crosses her arms, as I notice the screams have stopped.

“We heard only one scream? Stinger victims are a lot longer than that.” I add, remembering when the headmaster died, screaming in agony, as his body liquidised.

Suddenly she freezes in place, and I look at her, confused. Her fear is written all over her face, and I know shes not hiding it either.

Something rough and thin slowly slithers up my shoulder, to my face, and I have the sensation this isn't going to end well.

I stop myself from looking over, as it carries on, going underneath my bandages, and into my eye socket.

Oddly, there's no pain, but I'm disgusted beyond compare, as something hits my neck, like a warm rush of air; breath.

Aoi doesn't move, shaking through, and I wait, for a good moment to move, as its hand is inside my face right now.

“Come now, darlings, there's no need to be scared.” A voice whispers, and my heart stops for a second.

Few people say darling, very few people, and only one calls me it.

I hold the sadness, and shove it away, knowing there's only one way to find out if it's really her.

I look back as aoi, and she hasn't moved, the rifle on the floor, like she dropped it.

So she's useless, again, brilliant, why me? Cant she have a hand in her bloody eye socket!

“You've been hiding this? Why? You said it was a disgusting virus, but it's not, its humans next level of evolution!” They say, before actually taking their hand out, most likely bored.

I stay as is, and slowly turn around, as my heart remains in my throat.

The feathers are the only thing that tells me straight away it's her, even through shes more skeleton, than actual mutt.

Like her muscle doesn't exist, and is basically a walking skeleton.

The tail catches my attention, and I hesitate, not sure if she's evolving or not.

I brush my hand on the handle of my katana, trying to find a weakness, she must have, even if she's just a skeleton.

She has muscle on her face, neck, arms and legs, not much, but enough, so she's still a mutt, just a little skinny.

Her tail moves slightly, and I notice what looks like a stinger at the end. Is this the stinger she said? They look entirely different, Hell, they fly.

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