part ten - lone soldier

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Having connections means nothing.

I groan in frustration, knowing I should have trained them more, at least I know that anyone alive now is a liability.

I walk to the school, one plan in mind. To eradicate patient zero.

Any means necessary.

Taros p.o.v

I can't -


I stand there, still in shock, as kaga remains dead. She just straight up killed him, without hesitation.

Meka tries to calm Shiromi down, who remains crying into his shirt, whilst aoi and ayano start a small conversation.

I glance at oka, who remains absolutely terrified, and I don't blame her, knowing when megami is off on one, there's no way to stop her, in the slightest.

She suddenly taps my shoulder, and I turn around, finding her holding a sheet of paper. I know this is a way she communicates with us, so I take it, and find quickly scribble handwriting.

It's megami.

We know shes infected, much like aoi is, but there's a problem.

She's only just been exposed to the virus, it has been in a cryogenic state since this started.

Aoi’s body is able to keep it stable, but megami can't. Her body is completely different, and is currently either succumbing to it, or leading her down a path of insanity.

I fear she's going to kill anything that breathes.

We need to send out a warning, asap.

I pause, as my jaw almost drops.

She's been like since when?

I nod and smile at her, entirely grateful for her importance to this team.

I turn around, and ayano looks at me, oddly calm, which is unnerving. Aoi turns and spots the paper, before looking at oka, putting the two together.

“What'd she say?” Aoi asks, and I sigh, knowing out of everyone, these two are going to flip.

“It's about megami. She's most likely becoming insane. Her plans might be to kill any remaining survivors. We need to send a alert to everyone.” I order, and before either of them flip, Shiromi jolts to life, turning around and looking at me.

“Send what?” She asks, cold. I pause, but regain myself, knowing I'm most likely going to be partly in charge.

“To stay as far away from her as possible, if they can, try to make it here.” I reply, and she nods, looking at meka, who nods, and they both rush down the stairs, seemingly forgetting that kaga is dead.

I look back at the others, and glance at their weapons. Technically, they are the only ones armed now.

“Could you guys go outside, and patrol the surrounding area, not to far, and try and find any survivors?” I ask, and they nod, opening the door, and walking out, without hesitation.

I glance at oka, who remains next to me.

I never wanted to be in charge. I just wanted to read my books on the fountain, but hey! Now I'm obviously in charge of the remaining survivors, whilst I have a psycho girlfriend on the loose!


Megamis p.o.v

Mutts scream everywhere, and it's starting to piss me off. Oddly, none are around, which peaks my suspicion that their planning something.

They're brain-dead, disgusting, mutts, so why would they hide away?

I stroke my mask, and pause, I know I don't need this anymore. I collect myself, and take it off, before taking the tanks off. Their just dead weight, nothing more.

I toss them aside, and walk into the main school, finding it just as barren. Where are they all? Where are the survivors?

Faint running makes me snap my attention to the corridor next to me, where a student is running, in fear. Their short yellow hair and camera tells me it's furredo jonzu, a faction leader. Not anymore.

I pull my gun out, and he pauses, scared.

“M-megami I'm immune!” He cries, and I don't say anything, my face void of anything.

I shoot him, and he falls down, a bullet in his head. I don't care, and carry on, knowing I need to find more ammo at some point.

I glance at the rooms next to me, and find the councilors room. I pause, and place my hand on the door, knowing genka nearly killed me.

Where she pleaded for help, yet I did nothing, like I should have. Shes just a failure, that I don't need.

I open the door, and find the body still there, just, smells putrid, like everything else here.

I glance around, and think. She should have something here, being the last adult here, well, was.

I clamber over the body, and reach her desk, where her laptop is.

Taking a seat, I open it, and find it still operational, good, now I can actually look through the information.

Nothing really catches my attention, until something rings in my headset. I know it's them, and as I switch it on, Shiromi’s voice echos in it.

To any remaining survivors! Head at the back of the sakura hill! And do not approach megami saikou, no matter what! Seek out either ayano aishi, or aoi ryugoku, they will let you in.

I repeat! Don't engage with megami saikou! Stay as far away as possible!

I turn it off, and don't think about it, knowing they probably think I'll just go crazy, and start running around, killing anything. No, I have a plan, and I'm going to execute it, unlike them staying inside.

I'm not making mistakes again. I'm going to do something, even if it means killing them, I'm going to rid this virus, one way or another.

outbreak (Dis Continued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن