
187 5 2

Megamis p.o.v

“Get out of here!” I yell, almost destroying my throat in the process. Shoku and ajia nod, pure terror and fear sweeps over their face, making them run to the stairs, to class 3:2, where osaro is.

I don't watch them, and focus on the looming threat against me. I grip my katana harder, sweat pestering me as it runs down my furrowed head.

I stabilise my exaggerated breathing, knowing it'll cause my mind to waver, and thats the last thing I want to happen.

Homu kuresu howls inhumanely, as she has for a while now, her pulsing crimson neck making weird squelching noises, refuses to stop, alongside the fact that her body shifts constantly, waiting for the prime moment I've lost focus.

Sorry darling, ain't happening today.

She laughs, and I step back, not scared, but focused and determined. I'm going to eliminate her, even if it's for a mere week or so.

The moonlight decides to shine through the class beside me, letting the atmosphere take on a new, threatening manner.

A small amount of fear pricks me, and I hold my breath, closing my eyes for a second, recollecting my thoughts.

My gun.

I open them, smirking, making homu lash out, swiping her arm out, to hit me. I don't hesitate, and swiftly move to the sides, my gas mask almost slipping away, as her shoulder knocks it.

I curse, and adjust it, making sure my tanks are stable, and working; no safe air and well, that's a problem.

I shuffle back into the middle of the corridor, letting my eyes adjust to the dimly lit area.

I need to wait, for her to shift.

Just shift already!

I groan, as she turns around, getting annoyed, most infected aren't this hesitant.

I narrow my gaze, as she pauses, her back against my face.

What is she doing?

I brace myself, and hold the katana with both my hands, the leather grip burying itself into my gloves, almost tearing them.

No emotions idiot, you know this. I remind myself, knowing that's the first problem with people, during a fight, they let emotions control them.

Her head snaps back, twisting all the way around, making me retch slightly, as her neck aligns itself as if it didn't just break. She smirks, her skull tearing itself through the remains of her muscle, as her eyes remain that same radioactive green.

She's shifting, good.

I thrust the katana back into its holder, and take out my Beretta, knowing it's more useful than a katana.

She snaps her entire body, so her torso rotates around her pelvis, as if she's nothing but disgusting, putrid muscle, even though she wasn't actually that strong.

I stand my ground, as the winds outside picks up, slamming against the windows, making them howl in agony, or more like a warning, I'm not completely sure.

I keep one hand free, placing it on the grip for the katana, remaining focused, and seemingly forgetting the surroundings. Besides, I have more pressing matters than a little wind.

She snaps again, the sound of something grinding against something sends goosebumps against my skin, as her body elongates, the lab coat is still the same, and not tearing once.

outbreak (Dis Continued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant