part five - new log

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“Interesting, the survivors have knowledge of my existence.” A voice smirks, leaning against the table, its grotesque arms nothing but plated metal, with a pulsing crimson muscle, constantly shifting, as it grins.

“Megami, she's clever, but a mere insect for me. The others, especially ayano, still mere insects.” It chuckles, getting off its chair, and walking to a incubator of sort.

It used to be a radiator, but the virus creates a living and breathing organism, the same crimson, but with a vile yellow liquid, thicker than tar.

A bowl like hole holds the vile virus, as small squeals echo and bubble in it, making the stranger grin, and use its elongated hand to pick up a small round red sphere, as it squeals, dying instantly.

“Still can't survive outside environment, shame.” It sighs, crushing the sphere in its hands, before making it hit the floor, nothing but a bloodied pool of virus.

It walks back to the table, and starts typing on the screens, at a rapidly fast pace:

Log. No 28

No improvement within the virus, seems to have stalled evolution. Informed plague doctor, but hasn't responded.

Test subject is stable, virus is currently being processed, and will soon be handled properly.

Outside says they will keep me in concealment until virus is controllable.

My frustration increases with evey passing second. My memories are slowly being wiped, and the virus wants to spread.

Test subject has brought some interesting information within the control of the virus. Has been able to keep it concealed, yet the sight of other infected seems to have a interesting affect.

It seems they can link within my hive, without being a true soldier. Yet hasn't said anything to their fellow workmates.

I'd admit, they are pestering me, but I'll make sure I don't interfere with my supreme leader. They will have their bio weapon.

End log

They lean back, on their chair, that squeaks in unbearable pain, as its spine skewers its leather.

“How much longer?” It mumbles, drumming its figures against the desk, as the room remains pitch black, with a faint glow from the virus.

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