part four - plague doctor

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“What took you so long!” Ayano yells, as the storm starts to become worse, rain pummels the gymnasium roof, threatening to break through. I say nothing and follow aoi into the area, just besides the stage.

I pant, slightly out of breath, as my back screams in pain, whilst the others are fine.

“Where are they?” Aoi asks, not bothering with anything else, fury resonates around her, making me take a step back, as she yanks her rifle off her back, holding it ready. I stand up, finally breathing properly again.

“Outside, they haven't moved, mantaro and his team are located on the roof, watching.” Ayano repiles, making out I don't actually exist, no surprise there.

I walk to them, and find oka and daku standing beside her, with shozo and juku next to them. I pause, as they are all immune, and well, something isn't right.

“Why is daku and oka here?” I ask, getting a sigh of frustration from shozo, as he plays with his sword, like it's not a dangerous weapon. Ayano adjusts her headset, and tension increases, like the wind outside.

“Because they wanted to come. They want to look at the new mutation.” Shozo retorts, and I roll my eyes, knowing he's so self absorbed its unreal.

“So are we going to have a tea party and have a mothers meeting, or are we actually going!” Aoi yells, making everyone hesitate, and I swear her arms shift slightly.

I take a step back, nervous, as ayano glances at me, then the door. “Sure.” She repiles, walking away, with the others in pursuit.

Aoi looks at me, and walks away, like I was a mere add-on. I thought kuroko said they weren't belittling us? I guess not.

I walk behind, keeping my distance, as we make it outside, the rain causing visibility to become severely limited. I brace myself, knowing how mutts work, more than the rest of them.

“Welcome!” Something yells, making us all pause, as juku takes his sword out. Ayano keeps her rifle on her back, and glances around, trying to pinpoint the location of the voice.

The faint sound of grinding noises echo behind me, making me turn around and take my Katana out, as a huge boulder like mutt rolls to me.

“Beetle!” I yell, making the others turn, and leap out of the way as it dashes pass all of us, barely missing oka by a mere inch.

Ayano focuses, and frantically looks around, trying to find another attack. I glance and oka and daku, and find them unarmed. Why! They should have given them something!

“Ayano! Keep them safe! Someone, get a report from mantaro!” I order, and aoi nods, taking a headset out and switching it on, as the rain makes it impossible to see anything in front of us.

Ayano mumbles something, and shozo doesn't even move, disgusted by my orders. Juku on the other hand ushers oka and daku next to him, and they do, without hesitation, as their faces and body language says alone that their terrified.

“Just do what it says!” Ayano yells making shozo sigh and I look at her, confused. She called me a ‘it’.

I shove emotions down, as a faint hiss appears to the right side of ayano.

Deep blue eyes glisten in the torrential rain, making me realise we're circled in.

“Stand your ground! We've been ambushed!” I warn, taking everyone off guard. Ayano and shozo look at juku, who pushes oka and daku in between our little circle, whilst aoi glances at the same set of eyes.

Her face goes whiter than a sheet, and I turn, as she trembles slightly. I look at ayano, who has her rifle pinpointed on the eyes, still unsure of what it is.

“I wouldn't do that if I was you!” A voice booms, over the rain, coming from in front of me.

A figure comes into focus, and it looks human, but to tall to be a student.

It's not a slasher either as it has no eyes, whatsoever, just muscle, as in its skin doesn't exist, but the green jumper makes me almost have a heart attack, as I realise who it is.

“It's the headmaster.” I mumble, making oka and ayano turn in sync, as the beetles walk beside him, and the stringer remains in the shadows.

He laughs, as his arms drop down, smirking, I think, its hard to tell because of the rain and the fact I can't even tell if he's face is even there.

“He died! Melted by a stinger!” Ayano retorts, and I shake my head, knowing it's him, without a doubt.

The stinger catches my attention, as it remains locked on to aoi, who hasn't moved, looking like she's seen a ghost.

“Oh no, ayano, she's correct, its me, and it's sad that a immune says I died, yet a pathetic non immune realises, after all, you should be thankful.” He smiles, walking over to her.

She tenses up, and points her gun straight at his face. “Ah, ah, ah! That's petty gun won't do anything.” He smirks, waving his finger around like a fool. I sigh, knowing it's not actually him, its the queen.

The wind slowly calms down, and I hesitate, as the rain shimmers away, yet the stinger isn't being shown, taking my curiosity.

Ayano keeps her gun pointed at the mutt, as juku and shozo keep oka and daku away, being unarmed.

“So, this is the resistance? Pathetic, thinking metal and plastic would stop us! Hah! Don't make me laugh!” The mutt laughs, as it summons through its hand shifting and taking the muscle away, and making a scythe.

My fear quadruples, they can make weapons!? Since when!

“Alas, I haven't got who I wanted, so I'll leave you be, by the way, I'm the plague doctor, ironic, isn't it?” He laughs, before literally dissolving into the ground, with the others.

outbreak (Dis Continued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora