part nine - liability

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“Care to elaborate?” I ask, my full attention on the sentence. I know she wasn't joking, her shaky voice told enough, really, I am surprised she's actually worried, usually she don't care about anyone.

Then again, she claims to be immune, yet was attacked. There has to be a reason for being attacked. No mutt attacks for no reason.

I keep my ground and presence, and glance around, finding nothing but a empty semi circle room, in the same dull, pathetic grey.

“Because its to ironic, he would never suddenly become the way he is, its not in his nature to.” She replies and I turn back, staying cold. I don't know what's hiding underneath that shell of hers, but I want to know.

“Is that it?” I ask, glancing at the scratches on her face, apparently already sealed up.

She nods, and I shake my head, in disappointment. She turns and looks at me, confused.

“That's not the shiromi I actually know. She'd be making some pathetic joke, or asking a stupid question.” I say, and she hesitates, worried.

“Is that what you see me as? A jokester? Never taking things seriously! Wow, and I thought you of all people could see a mask! No! It's still me, but when your friends shift and attack you like a toy, I knew I needed to change.” She yells, before mumbling.

I sigh, knowing this is wasting time, my time. We need to focus on the main problem, the infected school.

“I have no care about your personal problems, your wasting time. Just, go and find the others.” I wave my hand in disgust, and she stands her ground.

“No.” She repiles and I look back, knowing she'd never listen to orders. Obviously she needs a reality check.

“If your brother is the problem, I will do what's fit.” I warn, and that one sentence literally shatters her confidence.

I sigh, and walk pass her, towards the stairs, besides, I'm really second guessing myself now, if letting her live was a good idea.


Walking down the stairs, I find myself in a labyrinth of tunnels. Seriously, how did they make this so quickly.

It doesn't matter, what matters, is I get everyone, and meet, to find if patient zero is actually here.

I glance around, and find the same bland grey tunnels leading literally everywhere, except behind me.

So, they have a certain system, three ways, it should interconnect somwhere.

I ready myself, and start to walk forwards, knowing it's probably the shortest way.

“Hey, you finally made it.” Somone says, making me pause. I turn around and find taro there, still with his normal smile, trying to make out everything is OK.

“Where's the others?” I ask, cutting everything short. He loses his smile, and a seriousness takes a hold, making him pause for a second, knowing I meant it.

“Why?” He asks and I sigh, knowing everyone is probably wanting to know. Might as well let him say it, knowing people already hate me.

“Because one of them might be patient zero, and I need to find out.” I reply, emotionless. He jolts, and nods, shakily grabbing what I assume to be a walkie talkie. Interesting, so they don't have the headsets, guess it's a luxury thing.

After a small mumbled conversation, he puts it down, and looks at me again. “Where to?” He asks and I point up, walking pass him, to get back up.

He follows and hesitates, glancing at shiromi, who hasn't moved, since the warning. Huh, must have hit her hard, oh well, her mistake.

I walk to the other end of the room, and taro follows, like a lost dog.

This is why I prefer to be alone, without all these problems.

After a few minutes, the others make their way up, catching my glance as they spread around the room, with ayano staying as far away as possible.

“What is so important, that I get violently woken up?” Aoi grumbles, sighing. Kaga and meka stand nearest to the stairs, whilst oka tries to snap Shiromi out of shock.

“One of us could be patient zero.” I reply, blunt. There was no other way around it.

Everyone jolts, and looks my way. Ayano wavers her hand over grip of her rifle, and I don't blame her, shifting my eyes to kaga, who doesn't seem as fazed.

“So, care to tell?” Aoi warns, not trusting anyone, probably even herself.

I nod, and take a step forward, looking straight at kaga, who looks back, standing up straight, and no hint of fear.

“Any proof its him?” Ayano asks, picking up on it straight away. I shake my head, and he chuckles slightly.

“No, so your gonna hate me for this.” I reply, and before anyone could think about it, I grab my gun, and fire straight at him.

Everything stops, as the bullets go through his chest, making he fall back. I say nothing, and put my gun back, only to get shock from everyone else.

“The fuck! Why did you do that!” Ayano yells, as shiromi runs over to him, obviously shocked. Meka looks at me, furious, whilst oka hides away, alongside taro.

“I did what was needed.” I reply, walking to the door. Aoi doesn't move, and stands there, watching, as kaga slowly dies.

“No, you just killed a innocent man!” Ayano yells, about to hit me. I don't hesitate, and move out the way, shooting her in the leg, as a warning.

She falls over, and aoi mumbles to herself, as I reach for the lever.

“Why! Why did you just kill him! I said it was a hunch! Not the fucking truth!” Shiromi yells, and I turn around, sick of their behavior.

“Because he was a threat either way, look at his neck.” I reply, and she pauses, tugging his collar down, to find a red, crusted layer of skin.

“No! You fucking idoit! That was a skin condition he's always had!” Shiromi yells, cradling him in her arms, as he finally dies.

“Sacrifices must be made. You can use his corpse to study the virus.” I suggest, and ayano blinks in disbelief.

“He ain't no human test subject! He was one of our last scientists!” Aoi yells and I shrug. I don't see their point at all, he is just another person that was going to get infected.

“He was my fucking brother!” Shiromi yells, burying her face into his shirt.

Meka leans down, as oka huddles back, taro looking at me like the devil.

“Brothers don't mean anything. He's just a liability at this rate.” I reply, opening the door.

“Just hurry up and find a cure.” I add, walking out, and sealing the door, knowing brothers don't care about you, never have, never will

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