part thirteen - the info room

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3rd p.o.v

The group remain lost, confused, shocked.

“You sure he ain't no bloody spy or new breed!?” Aoi yells, waving her hands in frustration, as the others remain slient, meka glances at the wall he rushed up, followed by his companion.

“No. The scent of death alone said he wasn't one.” Meka mumbles, as oka gently nudges taro, handing him a note. Shiromi, remains oddly quiet, her mind in thought, still taken by the grief of kaga’s death.

“Uh, oka has something to say.” Taro clears his throat, and the others glance his way, and place the spotlight on him. Hiding his anxiety, he looks at the rushed handwriting, and pauses, skim reading it before hand.

“She says basically-” he starts before aoi haults it, glancing at the corner. “We're being listened to. Careful what you say.” She whispers, and he nods, now trying to be as cryptic as possible.

“He's not one, and he's not human. She isn't sure, but he is dead, and stuck in a limbo.” He repiles, wanting to go elsewhere. Ayano re-adjusts her strap around her gun, and narrows her sight onto the corner.

“It's akane. Her tail kinda gives it away.” She mumbles, switching to walking back to the hill. Shiromi says nothing, and glances at the windows beside them, the sight of dry, blacken blood is nothing new.

She sighs, and walks away, still quiet. Giving aoi and ayano slight concern. Meka follows with oka not far behind.

“Their hiding something, no way for a fact would shiromi be so quiet. Even in a place like this.” Aoi says, ushering taro and ayano, to follow.

“I agree. Even through she worked for me, I didn't know of the laboratory, or oka.” Ayano adds, making sure she's behind taro, knowing megami is still on the loose.

“Oka as well. I found a note of hers, addressed to shiromi, I've been trying to find sometime to discuss about it.” Taro repiles and they all pause.

“They won't care if we aren't there. Do you have the note on you?” Aoi stops them, as taro nods, taking it out.

“It's more refined as well, like she wasn't rushing it when talking to us.” He adds, making sure nobody else is around. The silence follows as the trees even stop to listen.

Aoi says nothing, and gestures him to speak, so he does.

The mutts have been evolving way to fast. I know we can't say anything, due to the whole panic, but kaga fears that they may become hybridised. The queen has been off out radar for too long, and since the test results of aoi and megami, we aren't sure if we can even keep up with the balance.

They pause, and aoi grumbles something, shaking her head. “That's meka, oka doesn't write like that. I know they've been acting shifty around me.” Aoi says, as if on cue, shiromi walks back into view; taro shoves the note back into his pocket, as she pauses, emotionless. Even her smirk is gone, leaving nothing but a empty face.

“Stop falling behind.” She warns, her voice laced with anger. Aoi winces at the sudden formality, and taro takes a step back. Ayano smirks instead, and walks closer to her.

“Nah, don't wanna. Anyway, what's up with this? Your acting like me you know. Is it because your precious brother is dead?” Ayano taunts, taking taro and aoi back.

“Ayano don't.” Taro warns, and she shrugs, walking straight up to shiromi, who stays as is.

“Been hiding something haven't you? Sounds about right. Nothing new there. Anyway miss so serious, why you being like kuroko now? Hm? Since the council disbanded you suddenly became the new miss so serious. “ ayano adds, and shiromi takes a step back, making aoi pause.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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