part eleven - the dead will always come back

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A/n - I know it's a short chapter, but I was writing it and my mind went blank....

??? P.o.v


So there's another hybrid?

What interests me, is why her? The queen has no intention of understanding her subjects, let alone specifically choosing megami. Her body was unfit, and always will be.

I make my way down the broken hallways, knowing the only living remain within the base. Yet they may have all of these high tech support, and equipment, but their plans are breakable, pointless.

A howl echo's throught the school, giving me a slight sense of humour, its funny, a banshee, the only one. Hide impenetrable, by bullets and metal. Skin taken in on a Hardening stronger than titanium, no entrance points, to the naked eye.

My breath solidifies as the wind whispers nothing through the cracks of this desolate place. Kneeling down, I can see the crimson red, of a human, trickling down the second floor stairs. So, they really have amped it up?

Standing back up, I follow my natural instinct of curiosity, and follow the metallic red waterfall, to only find what I know to be a human, no doubt my age, with deep, brown hair, eyes sealed shut, blood pooled underneath his school uniform. I spot a camera, and carefully hoist it up, smirking as the battery remains half full; or empty, depending upon the person.

"You may rest now, let your soul be freed from this desolation of prison." I whisper, as I place a single rose against rojasu norobino's chest, gripping his ice cold hand and laying it against his broken heart.

I know who killed this man, and they stand before me now, their sliver blue hair tainted by this innocent's blood.

Megamis p.o.v

I turn around, and hesitate. I know someone was still alive, a big liability.

Gripping my gun, i turn fully to find, a person, of a sort.

Their face concealed by what only I can presume to be a human skull, as a familiar visor, keeps it up, the screen badly cracked. Their outfit isn't even theirs, its coat holding jet black shoulder plates, and the same coloured trousers. Their knee high black boots seem somewhat like what a colsplayer would wear.

"There's no need to waste your poisoned words, yet that sliver tongue of yours should have never been created." The person says, their grey and orange hair makes everything stop.

How can it be him? He was the first infected, with yaku zashi. I remember seeing his corpse in front of me, a battle before I became this. The first mutt I ever killed.

I lose my focus, and shake slightly, as this shell of a student stands there, whispering to himself, like he has a friend or something.

"Don't bother wasting time, megami. I was shot, therefore dead, isn't that right?" They say, their voice monotone and broken of emotion, a opposite of what he used to be like.

Faint footsteps makes my sanity shudder, as a creature of some sort paces up the stairs, its muzzle dripping with sweat and blood.

I thought only humans can get infected!

A small purr makes my insides crawl, as the duo stands there, watching. They can't be alive, surely!? Sweat drips down my face, as the recollection of his face, his pure terror, as I raised my gun and shot him without hesitation.

The creature standing next to him growls inhumanly, as its front legs go up, showcasing a tail instead of back legs. My fear reaches a new high, and my legs take on their own thoughts and make me run, as fast as possible, away from it.

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