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Namjoon took his hands out of his cozy pockets,letting them fall to his sides as the cold immediately nipped at his fingertips. A puff of warm air falling from his mouth, filtered through the bright winter light.

He looked up to the large double doors, taking yet another small step forward for them to slide open in front of him. It made all of Namjoon's fantasies come to life again, a small dumb smile coming to his chapped lips.
Had any of cashiers looked at him, they would have probably done a double take, for he must have looked stupidly drunk to get amazed at the simple movement of double doors opening in front of him.

Despite probably looking insane, Namjoon took a step back, letting the double doors close in front of him before placing his hands in front of him, finally stepping forward again and moving his hands at the same time as the double doors, as if to persuade himself he was the one getting them in motion with some sort of magic force.

Another step and he was inside, eyes glazing over at the vast space, divided by isles completely saturated with food, large colourful ads were on every corner, displaying healthy models with large smiles on their faces.

Namjoon had always been impressed by supermarkets.

He could spend an hour, wandering between the isles and marvelling at just how much food it was possible to buy.

Jimin had learnt that the hard way, when he'd taken the older with him on an errand back when they were in their second year of college and Jimin still though he had a thing for women (which clearly isn't the case), only for him to stay stuck at the cereal aisle to count how many different brands they were.

He'd found it weird at first, seeing the childish glow in Namjoon's eyes when he'd see something as trivial as eggs stacked up into huge piles, but he got used to it, and the more his feelings for the other grew, the more he began finding it endearing.

Namjoon smiled, walking through the fruit aisle and looking at the beautiful strawberries that had probably been imported from the other side of the planet, where it was still warm.

« Namjoon-Ah! » He recalled a voice from a far, secluded part of his mind. « Namjoon-ah! Why are you crying? » It was slightly fuzzy, and the voice sounded as if echoed, like it had been trapped in a glass bottle and stored onto the shelves of his memory.

The teenage boy looked up, salty tears cascading down his harsh cheekbones uncontrollably.

« You're crying too. » The boy pointed out through his sobs, chocking on his tears slightly. his mother shaking her head as she wiped the tears from her eyes, she smiled a sad smile, but a warm smile.

They got weird looks from the people passing by, who dodged them with their shopping karts and detailed their bodies, crouching on the floor as the mother desperately tried to dry her son's tears, whilst her own dropped on the tiled flooring.

« Eomma!» a young Namjoon sobbed. « Eomma. » He was wailing at this point, hands vainly rubbing his eyes to clear the tears, bumping into his mother's.

The older woman sniffled, pushing Namjoon's forehead to her chest and patting his hair, holding him closely as if to shield him from the looks of thz passerby's.

« Don't cry Namjoon-ah, come on. » She whispered as the boy wrapped his arms around her thin frame, holding her tightly. «Men don't cry. »

« Thank you, Eomma. » He whispered.

Namjoon chuckled at the memory, shaking his head to push it away and concentrate on the task at hand.

He walked towards the instant food section and grabbed some cup ramen, going back to the cassier and placing it on the counter, smiling to him as he scanned his purchase. The man seemed surprised to see such a dazzling smile on a customer, especially because he was very obviously foreign.

« Aurélien is a cool name. » He smiled, speaking in an English learnt from watching countless series and listening to numerous podcasts.

The cashier looked up, a surprised look in his dark green eyes. They were slightly lined with red, and completely visible thanks to his short cut brown hair. Namjoon found him cute, and tried to guess what the high schooler would choose as a major in college or university.

« I don't speak English. » He said with a large smile and in perfect Korean. He had sharp canines, Namjoon noticed.

« Your Korean is really good. » Namjoon smiled as he handed a bill to him. « Where are you from. »

« So is your English. » The teen smiled. « I'm from Belgium. » seeing the confused look Namjoon have him he added- « it's in Europe, near France. »

« Ah that's cool! » Namjoon smiled as the high schooler handed him his change. « Have a great day, Aurélien! »

The boy laughed, probably from the terrible pronounciation if his name and waved at the man.

« Have a good day too, sir! »

« Thanks. » he smiled as he shoved the loose change in his pocket and walked up to the small kettle that was provided by the supermarket.

He boiled some water, pouring it in the cup as he whistled the tune of a guide he'd been making during the day.

His phone rang. He picked up, recognising the soft voice of Adora.

« Namjoon, we're getting bbq if you're interested, Jimin is invited too »

Namjoon nodded, holding the phone against his ear and breaking the chopsticks, stirring the hot mixture.

« I'll be there, just send me the adresse. «

Adora agreed and hung up, Namjoon silding the device back into the back pocket of his loose jeans and getting out of the doors giggling as they opened automatically again.

He turned the corner, finding a woman sitting on the ground, a dog next to her and a dirty blanket wrapped around her frame. Her hair was pulled into a messy updo and her eyes looked dazedly at a plastic cup in front of her.

Namjoon stopped in front of her, smiling. It caught her attention and she looked up, meeting his warm gaze before his hand extended to her, handing her the steaming cup of ramen. She seemed surprised, looking between the bowl and his expression questionningly.

« Eat. » he smiled with a small encouraging nod. « It's dangerous to stay malnourished in the cold. »

She nodded, seemingly very surprised that Namjoon was actually giving her a bowl of ramen for free. A small smiled spread in her chapped lips.

She bowed, almost hitting her head against the asfalt and dug in. Eating the ramen with the eager hunger of a savage animal.

Namjoon chuckle, walking away with a small accomplished smile onf his soft features.


short (fun) story time:

for those who don't know, I'm currently in my last year of high school in a boring school, and our principle deadass walks into the dormitory with a pack of beer and says: « y'all have been great seniors, let's celebrate before the exams!»

So we all drank beer, even though it is strictly against the rules, with the principle. What even is life at this point lmao?

Hope y'all liked this chapter and thank you so much for 1k reads!!

(Btw should I share more story times or do y'all not care at all and don't read them?)

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