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Namjoon's eyes fluttered open, rolling to his back and rubbing his crusty eyes as a growl left his lips. His alarm was still blaring loudly across the room, Namjoon staying in his warm and comforting covers off a few more seconds before irritation built up through his sleepiness.

He then register the lack of another body in bed, finally noticing his body hadn't hit against Jimin's familiar one when he'd turned around. He opened his eyes fully to check his senses were deceiving him. They weren't, Jimin really wasn't there.

He stood up, feeling the cold over his bare chest as he rubbed his stomach, eyes still crinkling from the light filtering through the open blinds. His hand slammed against the alarm, letting out a sigh of satisfaction as silence swallowed the room again.

His still heavy feat patterned against the wood floorings to the other side of the room. He took a large sweater from his side of the closet and threw it over his head, getting tangled in it before finally ripping through and walking out with a sigh.

Jimin was in the kitchen, sat at one of the stools of the mini bar and and drinking what he assumed was coffee judging from the smell.

"Morning." Jimin said as he smiled, voice still groggy.

Namjoon only nodded, eyes still comically shut closed, making Jimin giggle.

"Morning." Namjoon said with a voice still thick with sleep, walking to Jimin and placing a hand under his bangs to raise them off his forehead before placing a soft kiss there.

Jimin cooed, his shoulders raising as he giggled again.

Namjoon took the bowl Jimin had used that stayed empty next to his cup with his chopsticks neatly placed over it and walked to the rice cooker to get some, loving the feeling of the steam against his face when he first opened it.

He then took some of the kimchi Jimin's mother had gifted him and placed it over the rice before digging in.

"We have a general meeting today." Said Jimin with a small smile as he kept sipping his coffee.

Namjoon nodded, silently eating his breakfast as he waiting for his brain to slowly turn on.

Jimin places his mug in the dishwasher, walking out as he scratched the back of his scalp.

When Namjoon finished his breakfast, he was already dressed and washing his teeth in the bathroom.

A few minutes later, they were both in Jimin's car, listening to their daily podcast; then they both rode the elevator towards both for their respective floors before separating with a short peck.

Namjoon walked down to the small break room to get himself another coffee, running into Minty, the leader of BM but most of al, one of their producers.

"PD-nim, Good Morning." She smiled, bowing down energetically as she waited for her own coffee to finish brewing.

"Hey Minty! How's it going?" He smiled back.

"Great!" Minty smiled. "The album blew up, we got nominations for Mnet."

Namjoon's eyebrows shot up, not hiding how impressed he was.

"Congratulations" He said softly, before looking down at his watch.

"Sorry, I have a general meeting in ten minutes." He said. "But you can come in my studio tonight to show me that guide." He winked, Minty nodded.

They parted ways, Namjoon walking down the corridors to the meeting room.

His mind was flooded with memories of him first meeting the young girl at the time. A breathtakingly beautiful teenager with a sharp voice and a lot to say. She'd passed the auditions of five companies, but chose Bighit because her best friend "Lunar" was already a trainee there.

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