15. Repercussions

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I am trying to keep calm as much as possible but I don't think I can keep this facade of calmness, for long

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I am trying to keep calm as much as possible but I don't think I can keep this facade of calmness, for long.

After greeting Rose at door I get straight to Estella. She has to answer me this time, with facts not her fake excuses!

If She has lied to me with this then God knows how much lies She has fed me up with.

"Estella! What is this?" I find her in the kitchen and before she can turn to see me, I spread the cell in front of her at the counter.

She looks at me with puzzled looks for a second then her eyes meets with the picture I had opened at the screen.

Her face is turning pale, as if I have caught her theft.

"I... actually... I.."

She fumbles, trying to find another lie, looking everywhere but at cell or me.

"Look at this Estella and answer me." I pick up the cell and held her arm to make her stand steady and watch at the pic.

"When it happened?" I question trying to control myself from screaming at her, out of frustration.

"I... can...I ... that... it's..." she fumbles again just to fuel my irritation and turn it into anger.

"Fewww....." I let her arm go and turns away, walks a bit away from her. Just to maintain my calm and control. I had doubt if that guy met her drunk, was actually Me. But never thought my wild assumption can turn out to be a fact, "ok, you can't form a sentence. Let me help you. Just answer in Yes or No. And in words only. But Answer me Damn it!!" I am tired of controlling myself and her hesitation to answer as well.

I banged at kitchen counter with fist and stood straight in front of her.

"Did You click this photo?" I start with easy and non relevant question.

"No." She whispers with a nod in negation.

"Fine, then who did?"

"You..." she replies in one word to shock me.

I clicked it! I grab the cell from counter just to recheck. I'm almost in her lap, right arm encircling around her neck from back while her one hand is supporting at my back and another at my right side as if a barrier between our bodies.

I'm smiling at camera with goofy grin, as if proud of myself to be there in her lap.

"Shit!!!" I curse myself why I couldn't see it earlier.

I had clicked that Selfie.

"Was it our farewell?" I withdraw away from her and question in dejection.

"Yes." She mumbles.

"Then why don't I remember anything?" I inquire turning to find her looking at me. The thought flashed across my mind, of that dream I had about her.

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