21. Reconcile

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Next morning I woke up to find Estella sleeping with her head in my lap as she slept on second step while I was on the third and last step of the doorway.

I gazed at the sleeping beauty in front of me for the next few minutes unintentionally.

Her long lashes were touching her pinkish cheeks, her Rosy lips were slightly parted may be because of her sleeping posture as her head was resting on my knee while her one arm was flung upwards to encircle my knee for better hold.

I tried to slip backwards just to realize that I was in a much better position than hers, against the end of side wall.

Should I wake her up or let her continue with her morning dreams?

I looked around to guess about timings. It must be around four or five in the morning as it was still dark but at the horizon sky was showing different shades of crimson and orange.

I shifted a bit to look at her, the changing lights of dawn was enhancing her charm with each shade.

I couldn't help but smile like a mesmerized fool. All the sudden my inner devil woke up too. I thought to wake her up by mischief only.

I placed my index finger at one of her nostrils.

She started to make face but before she could open her eyes I removed my finger.

It seems like troubling her. ok, no play with breathing.

I started to play with her lower lip with my thumb by gently stroking it downward.

Her brows arched after two attempts of mine and she tightened her lips consciously.

I hardly controlled my chuckles at her face.

But as I went for next attempt she opened her eyes and slapped my hand away.

"You Devil! Couldn't you bear to see someone sleeping peacefully?" She roared slapping my arm continuously.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry but you were looking so cute while sleeping." I said between chuckles.

"Yaa, right Cute! That's why you had to trouble my sleep." She said raising from her place before pulling the blanket away from me.

"Well I don't have any problem if you sleep even in my lap honey." I said as cheesy as I could sound, "-but I don't know if your neighbours would be fine to have such pleasurable sight of our PDA." I added mischievously.

She could say nothing but made an angry face before giggling with me.

"Let's go inside before anyone sees us here, in such romantic posture." She commented walking towards the door.

"Ummm... I think I should take your leave. Scotch must be destroying my bed in anger, I hardly leaves him alone for the whole night." I said walking backwards to leave.

"Look who's talking? What Scotch does when you are at some hot chicks place?" She questioned narrowing her eyebrows.

"Well, I never spend a whole night with anyone, I'm a responsible guardian Honey. " I replied proudly.

"You are impossible Ryan!" She exhaled in disbelief and added, "think about what we have talked. Your father may not be that much guilty as much he has been punished."

She called from behind as I turned to leave.

I thought about our conversation of the previous night.

How I broke and expressed my anger towards Dad, how She listened to me without judging my emotions, my tears. All she told me to give him a chance to explain himself.

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