27- Hang out

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"Ryan, where are you from the last two days?" Her voice almost echoed in my ear as I picked up the call.

"Nothing, just got stuck in work," I replied with a lie.

I kept myself busy these days. After that conversation with Dad regarding Mom, I feel something in me getting heavier with each passing day.

Meeting Estella or Rose might bring out something that I'm not eager to pour out.

"Oh, O.K. I just thought to check as Aunt Rose was a bit worried when you didn't show up. Seems like you got a new devotee here." She chuckled.

"Oh yeah. I do have a beloved there." I rectified her, "What about my girlfriend? Aren't you missing me?"

"There You are Mr. Ryan, the flirty Willsworth. I mean who can say You are Son to such a gentleman." She almost rebuked me.

"Hey, Hey, Hey... Don't tell me that I lost my chance to my father. I don't want such tough competition ok!" I added walking out of the office to reach the elevator.

"Well, you may never know. Unless you are joining us on dinner tonight."

"Are you asking me for a dinner date?" I inquired mischievously.

"NO! I'm asking you for a small reunion dinner before I leave again."

She is going again!

Yes, she might be. Why am I getting affected?

"Ryan, you are coming right?"

"I'm on way Love." I just replied trying my best to sound cheeky.

"Ah! That was too cheeky." Was her reply before disconnecting lines.

I shouldn't be affected if she is staying or leaving anytime soon.

We are no couple that She should tell me everything. We are friends and that's why she called me, wanted to spend time before leaving.


"Isn't it a nice place to hang out!" I inquired to find Estella looking around the club.

"It is. Must say it's really good. Especially these bohemian decors, is just my thing." She replied admiring the place.

"Seriously? I thought that's my taste only."

I brought Estella here, miles away from her place as I find peace here only. Certainly only after realizing it was Rose's sweet trick to call me at their place. So that she can push us for a dinner date.

We still have not cleared her false notion about us being a couple.

"So what would you like to start with Mademoiselle?" I whispered as she sat with grace on the chair I pulled for her.

"Oh, Etiquettes. I like that Mr. Willsworth." Her bright smile said more than her words.

That I should be prepared for something unexpected. She certainly had something on her mind.

"After all, Now I know how to flatten you. You called my father A Gentleman. That means his Etiquettes were admired by you. I thought to try his way. That might help me to win our bet." I replied taking her hand into mine.

"Maybe, or maybe just be truthful like him might work." She said holding my hand in hers.

"Do You think, I'm lying to you?"

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