the project

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I only had five class because I skipped a couple grades I'm in all senior classes when really I should be a sophomore.  My last class is my favorite creative writing. Today we are doing a project that is our only assignment and we get partners. "Hello class today you will found out what your project is about and who you partners are" Mr. Rusty said "your project is to capture pictures of your partner then write about your partner." He says he explains it then says "now partners. Tasha and Ricky Sophia with Zeke Becca and Paige Demi and Ryan I don't care if you hate your partners you are stuck with them here are cameras now get out of  here" he says slowly and quietly I walk up to Ryan. "Hey my house or yours or do you wanna hang out and just take pictures " I ask "well I have football practice. So you can get pictures while I practice and then we can go to your house okay nerd" rolling my eyes I say okay and walk away. 

(A.n. pic of Tasha on the side )

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