date #1

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"Awe she's so cute " I hear Tasha's  voice "why must you wake me up" I groan. "Well you love me and  Zeke,Ricky,Alex,Amanda,and Sophia are here" Tasha says "so get up get up up up" she yells into my ear. I take my pillow and hit her with it. "Shut up shut up shut up" i yell repeatedly i got up and thru my hair into a messy bun. I was only in underwear  and a tank top. I was to lazy to put close on so i went  down stairs just like that. " really you couldn't put Cloths on I don't want to see you half naked" my dumb brother says. " dude I still have a broken leg I have to stay on a cast longer then normal.  Not six weeks I have three. Months because I'll my bones are broken so shut up" I spat back at him. Ugh why does he have to bother me.  I walked over to Alex and sat in his lap.  " Before we start what the heck is going on with you to" Sophia ask pointing at Alex and I.  "Nothing we're just friends" I say "okay then well Netherlands we live tomorrow that means No messing around get home and pack" Sophia says. Everyone nobs there head " I have a cousin that lives in Netherlands she said it's perfectly okay with us to stay with her." I tell everyone. "What there name" Ricky asked " her name is Jacqueline she is at a dancing tournament so we have the house to our self for about three weeks" I tell them "now get out of me and Alex and Amanda's house and go pack" I yell. Zeke left with Tasha. Ricky left with Sophia.  "Hey Amanda can I talk to you in private please" Alex ask she nobs her head and they leave.

*Alex point of view*
"Amanda I really like demi like more then a friend.  But we only known each other for about four months now. I don't know what to do" I tell Amanda. " Alex calm down listen take it slow go on a couple dates in Netherland and when you think it's time come to me and me and you will come up with a perfect way to ask demi out" she tells me I nob my head and hug her.  I love my sister she's the best. My sister is two years older then me I'm seventeen making her nineteen. Me and Demi are the Same age. Amanda was prom queen,captain of the softball team. She also was in book club and glee cub and year book. I was just the kid that loved comic books and school. I never had a first kiss left anything. I walked out of my room and over to demi.  "Demi would you like to go roller skating with me" I ask her "Yea I would love to" she says
*Demi point of view*
I walk upstairs and head to Amanda's room.  "Hey Amanda may I come in" I ask. " Yea What's up " she says." I really like Alex he's amazing.  He treats me like a princess.  But someone like him so handsome and sweet would never go for a girl like me. I'm ugly,and fat. I have a bunch of scars on me. He would never like me back. Amanda I  I I don't know what to do I like him so much but we only known each other for so long I barely know anything about him " I tell her in all honestly " demi calm down it's okay. You are beautiful and talented. Your scars show that you are not weak you are strong. They are beautiful just like you. you are amazing. You are not fat or ugly. You are unique,colorful and special. Just go on dates with him and get to know him." She tells me "Thanks " I say I hug her tightly. I walked out of her and went to get ready for my date with Alex. I changed into my red/black skinny jeans. I out my falling in reverse shirt on to. I added my falling in reverse necklace and brackets. I put my black high top shoes on . I straightened my hair then applied some make up. I put my Hello Kitty nerd glasses on. I headed downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed a banana and waited for Alex.  I jumped on top of the counter. I turned around to see Alex coming down the stairs. " ready to go beautiful" Alex says I nob my head.  He puts both hands on my hold and help me down. He grabs a hold of my hand and we walk out the door and head to the roller skating place.  You could here the music from down the street. Alex goes and get our blades.   he comes back holding a lime green pair for me and a red pair for him.  We bladed for hours I had so much fun before the light ended. I was called to the center of the floor. I saw Alex standing there with his guitar.  "Alex What's go" I was cut off " sh just listen". He says. " Hey there did you know your beautiful.  Your smile is brighter  then the moon.  Your eyes sparkle like the stars. Your my best friend but I got this feeling that is driving me crazy. I love you I love Eventing about you. Demi you are my best friend but I Wish we can very more you barely know me so here's a list. 1. Your the first girl I ever like. 2 I hope you can be my first girlfriend 3 my birthday is 7*12*1997
4. I self harm just like you. 5 I tried  to kill myself six times. 6 I'm bullied 7 I love me some taco bell 8 Arizona is life 9 I love teen wolf and the notebook 10 and I love you. Your beautiful even with you battle scars. Demi star torres will you do me the honor and please be my Superman so I can be your Batman" Alex says I walk up to him and kiss his lips softly. I pull away "Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes I love you your my Batman" I say
*at home*
I change into a long t-shirts and take my shorts off and stay in my underwear I call next to Alex and cuddle close to him. He wraps his Arm around my waist and holds me tight. "Goodnight princess " he says "good night prince" I say back

he's my batman and i'm his supermanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن