You're Too Fast For Love

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I walk into the Rainbow Room and scan the room, looking for the infamous band I'll be following for the next month. I have no idea why my boss thought having a girl live on Motley Crue's bus for a month was a good idea but here I am. Hopefully I don't end up in a ditch somewhere; I'll haunt the poor bastard for this.

"Aria, glad you can make it." My boss, Brad, says as he walks in. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd actually make it."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." I say through gritted teeth has Brad's left hand manages to find the small of my back. My muscles tense up has a feel the hand move down lower. "Where is the band?"

"The back area," he replies. "Follow me. They're expecting us right about now."

I follow back into the VIP section and my eyes are instantly met with a bunch of debauchery. There are topless woman dancing on tables as well as half naked women crawling out from under the table where the band is sitting at. The girls are wiping their mouths clean of whatever saliva and cum was there. The band is just sitting back, laughing as if they didn't just get a blow job.

"Pigs." I mutter to myself, earning a look from Brad.

"These pigs are allowing you to follow them around for a month." He reminds me. "Don't blow this for us."

"I won't blow it for you and I certainly won't blow it for them." I nod my head towards them. "The single moment where they put me in an uncomfortable position, I'm gone." I tell him. "I'm not here to be another body to help keep their beds warm."

"Like Motley Crue could make you feel uncomfortable." He chuckles. "You took on worse bands and managed to put them in their places. Besides, you're not their type."

"Not their type?" I question him, narrowing my eyes at him. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"You're not easy." He whispers to be just as we hear his name being yelled from Tommy Lee's mouth. "Tommy!" He yells back before dragging me over to the table with him. The drummer instantly pulls him into a deathgrip hug, leaving me to stand around awkwardly.

"Who's your friend?" The blond, Vince, asks as he nods in my direction.

"Guys, I won't be able to follow you around for a month like planned," Brad starts. "Girlfriend's pregnancy is rougher than what we were expecting. So I'm sending my best writer in my place. Guys this is Aria Summers."

"Aria Summers?" Tommy and Nikki ask at the same time.

"Aren't you Axl Rose's girlfriend?" Nikki asks, smirking.

"Ex." I reply. "And I'd wipe that smirk off your lips if I was you, Sixx. Because I assure you, the stories you've heard are completely wrong."

"I'll be the judge of that." The smirk, not leaving his lips even as he turns to Brad. "You picked your replacement well. We're gonna have a ton of fun on this tour." His gaze turns back to me. A chill runs down my spine. What have I gotten myself into?

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