You See The Signs, But You Can't Read

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"What has you stressed out?" Axl asks me a couple days later. We're currently at my apartment with the rest of the guys in the band. This is a little celebration after a good concert and after the venue kicked us out.

"Why do you care?" I question him, narrowing my eyes at him. "We're not together. You didn't even care when we were together."

"Saul is worried about you." He shrugs. "He may not act like he does or even admits that he does but he does."

"Say does one more time and I'll back hand you." I chuckle. "But if you must know, my brother is officially moving to L.A and he's working with Doc McGhee and will be touring with Motley Crue."

"And this is a problem, how?"

"You know my brother, Axl." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "You know how he acted when he walked in on us fucking. Remember his reaction and then times it by 100. The total of that problem will be his reaction to when he finds out I've been fucking Nikki fucking Sixx."

"You're still doing that?" He scoffs. "I thought you swore off Nikki because he's turning into a junkie."

"Shit happens." I mutter. "The other night was just weird. But not that point of my stressing out."

"You're worried David is going to murder Nikki, huh?"

"He kicked the living shit out of you." I remind him. "Compared to Nikki, you're a fucking saint. So yea, I'm worried."

"Have you ever thought maybe you can just tell David you've been seeing Nikki?" Axl suggests as he gets up off the couch. "He might actually stand down once he finds out you're in love with Nikki."

"I'm not in love with Nikki." I shoot back. "I'm just worried about what my brother can do to him."

"Keep telling yourself that Summers." He smirks before walking away towards Izzy and Steven. I take a deep breath in before walking over to my sliding glass doors and head out onto the balcony with my pack of cigarettes in tow.


"So this is where you disappeared to, huh?" A voice behind me asks. I turn and see Slash standing there with an unlit cigarette hanging from his lips and a bottle of beer in each other. I take a bottle from his hand and hand over my white bic lighter. He thanks me with a smile before lighting up his cigarette. "So what's going on in that pretty little head of yours? Because something is up if you aren't instead doing shots with Duff, proving you can out drink him."

"I think I'm in so much trouble." I admit aloud. "My brother is finally moving to L.A and he's working with Motley Crue."

"And you're afraid he's going to find out about you and Nikki?"

"Yea and the fact I'm worried about some asshole I'm sleeping with is why I'm in trouble." I sigh. "I think Axl may be right... I might be in love with Nikki and I shouldn't be. Nikki isn't the type of guy you fall for. He sleeps with every girl that has a vagina and a heartbeat. He's constantly shooting up and snorting. He drinks alcohol like a fish. He has the power to break my heart. I know this. I knew this from the moment I laid eyes on him. And he's jealous. So jealous. He literally burst into my apartment the other night accusing me of sleeping with someone and in mid argument he slams me up agains the door and fucks me. That's not the type of guy I should fall for."

"And what are you going to do about it?" He asks after allowing me to rant to him. "You know he's bad for you. Why don't you just walk away?"

"It's not that easy." I groan before downing a good portion of my beer. "I wish it was fucking easy. He just looks at me with his hazel eyes and I turn into a puddle."

"Sounds like you need a distraction, someone to keep your eyes off of Nikki." He chuckles.

"Are you volunteering Hudson?"

"Maybe." He smirks. "If you ever need a distraction or someone to rant to; I'm your guy. I've got your back, Aria. Now and forever."

A smile creeps up onto my lips as I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at me, my chin resting on his chest a little bit. "You're amazing, you know that. Thank you. I think I need to rant to someone that isn't Axl."

"Whatever you do, I'll support you. I'm just a phone call away."

My smile grows and before I know it, I'm closing the space between us and placing a soft, gentle kiss on Slash's lips. "Thank you, for everything. I truly need someone like you in my corner..."

He pushes a piece of my blonde hair out of my eyes and behind my ear. "He doesn't deserve you. He knows he has the most amazing woman in the world but the drugs and fame are going to win. He's going to break your heart."

"Sadly, I'm aware." I frown, nuzzling against the hand that's currently cupping my cheek. "Promise me, know matter how famous you get -and you will get famous- that you'll never let the drugs and fame get to you. Promise me that you'll remain this sweet and caring guy. Promise me this Saul."

"I promise." He smiles before sealing the promise with a kiss...

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