We're Both Sinners And Saints

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On our night off of any type of shows and media presence, the boys and I find ourselves heading to a bar in the middle of nowhere. We walk in and are instantly greeted by the sounds of The Doors in the background, which brings a smile to my face. Something all the boys notice.

"I have never seen any type of reaction from you when it comes to music but you smile every time you hear The Doors." Nikki notes. "If I didn't know any better, our resident Ice Queen has a crush on Jim Morrison."

"He was a poet and was taken from us far too soon." I respond. "What girl in America didn't have a crush on him?"

"I never saw the appeal of him." Nikki shrugs. "I think music should just be chaos and fun; his music was far too slow."

"Maybe that's your problem." I note. "Maybe you are living in the rock n roll lifestyle too much and think that's what your music should be. People do love ballads too, just saying. Music is more than just chaos. It's beautiful and has a soft side."

"We have slower songs," He notes. "We aren't all chaos."

"Your slower songs aren't what the masses would consider ballads." I chuckle. "You guys need to channel your inner sensitive sides. Even Ozzy has ballads, and he's the king of chaos."

"Maybe we'll record a ballad and dedicate it to you." Vince chuckles. "Our resident Ice Queen."

"It'll make me feel all warm and fuzzy." I chuckle. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna change the song and bring some chaos to the masses." I say before walking over to the jukebox. I look through the music selection and a smile appeared on my lips. I didn't think this song would be on here so soon.

I walk back over to the boys just as Shout at the Devil starts playing. Everyone but Nikki screams; Nikki just looks at me with a smirk on his lips. I lean over to him with a smirk of my own.

"Last time a guy looked at me like that I got a drink out of the deal." I tell him. "So you buying?"

He chuckles before flagging down the bartender. "Two shots of Jack Daniels, please?" He orders before turning towards me. "Sound good to you?"

"Sounds awesome." I answer. "It's time someone shows you how to probably take a shot of Jack."

"And you're gonna be the one to show me, huh?" The smirk that was already on his lips turns flirty as he gets closer to me. "And I thought I was the resident chaos kid."

"It's everyone's night off," I remind him. "And I'm going to fucking enjoy it. Are you going to stop me?"

"It's about damn time." He chuckles just as the bartender brings over our drinks. Nikki picks both of them up, and hands me mine. "What should we toast to?"

"Motley Crue taking over the world, one shitty town at a time." I say, smiling, as I hold up my shot glass. Nikki chuckles as our glasses click together and we down the shot. He made a slight face as the whiskey burns going down; I however did not. This seems to confuse Nikki.

"How the fuck did you not make a face?" He questions me before ordering a couple more shots for the two of us. "You're a girl."

"And your sexist." I laugh. "I spent my 21st birthday on the road with a bunch of bands. I drank with the best of them. I can probably drink any man hear under the table."

"We'll see about that." He chuckles as a tray of Jack Daniels shots is placed in front of us. "You ready Summers?"

"I'm ready to kick your ass, Sixx." I laugh as he hands over another shot glass. "So what are we toasting to now?"

"Aria Summers finally letting her hair down and having a good time." I roll my eyes, laughing. As our glasses clink and we did our shots. I'm going to regret tonight, I just know it.

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