The Way He Moved, It Was A Sin, So Sweet And True

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"Why are you so nervous?" Lena asks me a couple weeks later. "We're just meeting Doc and his new assistant. What has you freaked out?"

"Because I know his new assistant already." I reply, earning the attention of the boys. "He's my brother. We had brunch and he started asking about you guys and then he told me he'll be working on your next tour with Doc."

"And you didn't tell us because?" Nikki questions. "I'd love to get some insider of the newbie working with us."

"He doesn't know about us, if that's what is concerning you Nikki." I roll my eyes. "He just wanted to know how you guys acted while on tour. And I told him you guys were a blast and he'll have fun. That was the most we talked about when it comes to you guys. I certainly wasn't going to tell him about the activities me and Nikki participate in behind closed doors."

"Sometimes not even closed doors." Nikki smirks as a hand goes up my thigh and under my short skirt. I narrow my eyes at him and he instantly pulls away.

"My brother is overprotective of me when it comes to boyfriends." I warn him. "He bet the living shit out of Axl for fun. So yea, that's why he will never find out about Nikki."

"What, you don't think I can take him?" Nikki sounds almost hurt. You can hear the bruised ego in the tone of his voice.

"You're scrappy but will never win a fight against my brother." I inform him. "We grew up with roadies and drunk uncles teaching us how to fight. You wouldn't stand a chance against either of us in a true fight."

"I do love a challenge though." Nikki leans close to me, a smirk is on his lips before he licks the tip of my nose. I just roll my eyes before pushing me away. "So is your brother anything like you? Is he a true professional?"

"No, he'll do lines of cocaine off a farmer's daughter's tits with you guys." I reply. "Only one of us is a true professional."

"I'm starting to like this guy." Vince smirks just as Doc and my brother David join us at the dinner table.

"Ria?" David raises an eyebrow. "Didn't think you'd be here? You never hung out with bands after you wrote the article about them."

"These guys have grown on me." I chuckle, earning smirks from the boys. "You're gonna be stuck with me when it comes to these guys. I'm extremely close with them." Just as I say the last sentence, I feel Nikki's hand return to my thigh and it finds itself slowly making up under my skirt. I shoot Nikki a warning glare. His hand stops moving north but he doesn't remove the hand. And his smirk only grows. "Tonight I can't stay long. I've got a concert to get to."

"Guns N Roses again?" Nikki questions, rolling his eyes. "Don't you get sick of hanging out with them? It can't be healthy hanging out with an ex."

"Ex?" David questions as he sits down. "Which ex?"

"Axl." Nikki smirks. "Your little sister is hanging out with that asshole again."

"Really, Ria?" David huffs. "That guy treated you like fucking shit."

"We aren't dating." I inform him before turning my attention to the bassist who has a hand on my thigh. I grab his hand and dig my nails into it. He's trying so hard not to react. "Jealousy isn't a good look on you Sixx."

"Who said anything about me being jealous?" He shoots back, eyes narrowing into a glare. It's my turn to smirk. "Seriously Summers, who said anything about me being jealous?"

"Your actions for one." I shrug. "But whatever, let's get a few drinks and you boys can talk business, yes?" With that, I flag down our waiter to start the drink order. I'm going to need several drinks if I'm going to survive this dinner.


"Ok, I'm going to head to the bathroom to freshen up before heading out." I announce before getting up out of my seat and heading to the bathroom.

Once inside, I begin freshening up my lipstick when I hear the door swing open wildly. In the mirror's reflection I see Nikki standing there; eyes wild and lust blown. "You're not fucking going to that concert?"

I turn around and glare at him. "Who fucking said? Because last time I checked, you don't control me. I'm allowed to hang out with whoever I fucking want. I'm not your property. You need to get that throu..." Before I can finish myself Nikki closes the distance between us and crashes his lips onto mine. He puts a hand on the base of my neck and deepens the already bruising kiss. His free hand finds its way to my ass and squeezes it, earning a moan to escape my lips. This moan allows Nikki the opening he needs to shove his tongue into my mouth.

His kisses go from my lips, to my jaw and down to my neck. He licks my pulse point before biting down on it, sucking it just enough to assure there will be a hickey forming in its wake. "Marking your territory?" I chuckle as he resumes the kiss.

"Gotta make sure those punks know who you belong to." He murmurs against my skin. "Can't be thinking they can claim you and take you away from me."

"So I'm sure huh?" I ask him. "Since when did this become official?"

He pushes away and looks deep into my eyes. This is a side I very rarely see of Nikki. I think the only time I've seen the look of love in his eyes was after Razzle's death. "Do you want to make this official?"

"It depends." A smirk dances on my lips.

"On what?"

"On if you're going to ask me or not."

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