Come On Pretty Baby Kiss Me Deadly

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"Lena!" I whine as I allow the tiny redhead to guide me through the house she shares with Mick. "You and Mick are going to be the only ones that will be happy to see me."

"I'm sure Nikki will be happy to see you." She points out. "He's been asking about you, you know. Mick says he's been moping around much like when you left the tour."

"I find the very hard to believe." I roll my eyes just as we stop at the bar where all the members of Motley Crue are standing. Mick shoots me a smile, or what he considers a smile. Tommy and Nikki shoot me a glare. But Vince? He walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. At first I'm taken back, but I quickly return it. "Has hell frozen over?" I ask him right before we part.

"Can't a guy miss his favorite Ice Queen?" He smirks.

"You should hate me." I point out before nodding to his friend since high school. "He does."

"You're doing your job." He shrugs. "And it's not like the shit you were writing about was slander. It was the truth. And I'm sure this won't be the last time I'm the subject of one of your articles." A smile appears on my lips before I walk over and kiss Vince on the cheek. "Has hell frozen over?" He asks, mocking me.

"Can't a girl kiss her favorite pig?" I smirk, mocking him. "Who is going to make me a drink? I can only stay for two before I have to leave."

"You actually have plans?" Nikki questions.

"Yea, a concert." I reply, shrug. "I am friends with other bands, not just you guys. Besides, it' not like any of you have been friendly with me as of late." Tommy looks away in shame. Nikki shows no emotion.

"Hanging out with Guns N Roses again?" Lena questions. "I can't believe you're hanging out with Axl Rose again."

"You're hanging out with your ex?" Nikki questions. "I thought it would be a cold day in hell before you hang out with him and whatever band he manages to form."

"He formed the band with Tracii Guns, who I'm friends with. And his bandmates are Izzy and Slash from Hollywood Rose, who I was great friends with. And don't get me started on Steve and Duff. I swear they are the cutest fucking blonds in the world and at this moment are my favorite drummer and bass player duo. So yea, maybe hell has frozen over but I'm in great company."

"Hanging out with an ex isn't healthy." Nikki points out.

"Neither is half the shit you do to yourself." I retort. "Tommy, pour shots of Jack. I'm about to make a quick toast before leaving."

"I thought you were staying for a couple drinks?" Lena questions me. "What changed?"

"I didn't come here to be lectured by a man that's not my father." I shoot a look at Nikki, reminding him of his last words to me before we stopped talking. "Plus, like I said, I have a prior engagement to get to."

"So who is it?" Nikki questions. "Who are you fucking?"

"Everyone and anyone; just not you. Ever again!" I shoot him a glare before holding up the shot glass Tommy hands me. "To Entertainment or Death...or whatever Nikki decided to change the CD title to at the last second like a fucking douchebag!" I toss back the shot before hugging Lena and Mick as I walk away from the group.


"RIA!" Steven announces my arrival as I make it backstage. I just chuckle at the drummer as he pulls me into a hug. "What took you so fucking long? You missed our set."

"I'm sorry." I pull away from one blond to only be pulled into the embrace of another. Duff gives me a squeeze and a kiss on the head before releasing me just as quick. "My friend Lena drug me to the release party of Motley Crue's new cd."

"And you chose to hang out with us instead of Motley fucking Crue!?" Izzy questions, fake swooning. "I knew you loved us more."

"You guys have been there for me more than they have in the short time I started hanging out with you." I state as I wide an arm around Slash's naked torso.. "Plus Sixx kinda fucked up my partying mood."

"How?" Axl questions me, semi interested in the answer.

"He pulled at you." I reply. "He asked me who I'm fucking in this band. Funny thing is, we never dated. At all. He has no right to ask that kind of question."

"So what was your answer?" Slash questions me, as he wraps his arms around me.

"Everyone and anyone but him." I laugh. "Now come on, let's have fun. I kinda need a distraction after tonight..."


I'm leaning up against the brick wall of the building in the back alley. Slash lights up a cigarette and takes a single drag before turning to me.

"You okay?" He questions me. "You're unusually quiet this evening."

"You've known me for awhile..." I sigh. "Am I really that much of a slut that I get asked by two different guys who I'm fucking in a band?"

"Look at the guys that asked those questions," He tells me. "What do they have in common?"

"I dated Axl and I was sleeping with Nikki." I reply. "So I'm the thing they have in common."

"They're jealous that you're giving another guy attention and it's not them." He informs me. "It has nothing to do with you being a slut. Which you aren't, by the way. You're nothing like the girls that throw themselves at us because we are in a band. You just so happen to have been involved with guys in a band."

"No offense, but men suck." I mutter before stealing the cigarette from Slash, taking a drag of it. But when I hand it back to him, he already has a new one lit. Shake my head, I just take another drag.

"Trust me, we do suck." He chuckles. "But you girls aren't exactly easier to understand either."

I snort. "I barely understand my own gender. So I feel you on that one."

"I really did miss you." He admits after a silence has fallen upon us. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again after you and Axl called it quits."

"I missed you too." I tell him. "Near the end of the relationship, you were probably the only thing I actually liked about Axl." He throws his cigarette away from himself before walking over to me. Before I know it his arms are wrapped around my waist and I'm being pulled towards him. My arms find themselves around his neck. His already dark eyes grow dark before his lips crash onto mine...

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