Had My Share Of Shady Deals And Girls, Hey

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I'm sitting on the bus, writing in my notebook, taking notes as the boys fuck around on the bus. Nikki and Tommy are talking about some shit. Vince is talking to some girl he picked up and Mick, well Mick is sitting next to me watching me as I work.

"Staring is rude." I tell the guitarist, giving him my full attention.

"How the hell did you manage to get involved with this?" He asks, motioning to the chaos around us. "You don't seem the type to get lost in this world."

"My dad was a roadie for various bands and well...my mom wasn't in the picture." I tell him. "She took off after the first rockstar she met while following dad around. I don't think he was a big name in music. Instead of allowing his parents to raise me, he brought me on the road with him; homeschooling me. This world is the only world I know."

"What bands did your dad work with, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Zeppelin, Queen, Ramones, The Doors, Sabbath..."

"You know we're touring with Ozzy right?" He asks smirking.

"Only reason why I said yes to this assignment." I chuckle in reply. "Did you really think I'd actually agree to be on a bus with Motley fucking Crue if it wasn't for another reason. No offense, your bandmates are pigs; especially Sixx and Neil."

"Ignore them." He scoffs.

"Trust me, I plan on it." I smile. "You might be the only normal on on this bus."

"That's saying something." He chuckles. "So I've read your articles the bands you've followed. Who was your favorite and least favorite band to work with?"

"Favorite band was, hands down, The Rolling Stones." I reply to the first question. "Least favorite was probably U2. Bono is a grade a assmunch."

"Why follow Motley Crue?" He questions me. "We're nobodies compared to the bands you've followed."

"That's the point." I shrug. "I want to find the next big thing. You guys just so happen to be on my radar. I'm hoping a month and an article from now, you guys will be all over the place and me having to live on a bus with a bunch of pigs will be worth it."


"You ready to see how true rockstars perform?" Nikki questions me, smirking as he teases his hair for the show.

"Yea, I am ready to see Ozzy perform." I deadpan, not showing much interest in the ego I deflated.

"That hurt, right here blondie." Nikki says pointing to his chest as his lips form a pout. "Why would you hurt me so?"

"I don't give out ego boosts." I smile as I walk up to him to pat him on his show. "But I'm sure there will be a blonde in the audience that'll gladly give you an ego boost. She'll be the one throwing her bra on the stage."

"You sound jealous?" He smirks, earning an eye roll from me.

"Why would I be jealous of a bimbo throwing her bra away?" I question him. "Do you realize how expensive those pieces of shit are? Besides, rockstars aren't my thing."

"You dated Axl Rose." He points out.

"But look how big Hollywood Rose is." I point out. "Only people that know them haunt Sunset. Much like how people only knew about London because of the same reason."

"You heard about London?" He smirks. "I'm flattered."

"Don't be. You guys fucking sucked." I tell him straight up. "You have a true chance at becoming a rock legend with Motley Crue, don't fuck it up."

"So you are a fan after all." He chuckles. "I was beginning to worry that you didn't like us." Sarcasm was dripping from his words.

"No but I'd hate to write all those juicy stories about a rockstar's fall from grace." I shrug. "But then again, those stories could jump start my career."

"Thinking about the stories and not the music, typical of a journalist."

"At least I'm thinking about the future." I defend myself. "The only things on your mind are probably who the fuck girl I get to fuck is or maybe where my next line of blow is coming from. There are more important things in life the sex and drugs."

"You're right." He smirks. "You forgot about rock and roll."

"You're hopeless.

"And you have a stick up your ass." He counters.

I sigh, knowing this will never end unless I end it. "This is going to be a very interesting month, Sixx."

"You're right, it will be." He smiles. "And one way or another, I will break your walls and get you to actually have fun."

"Highly doubt it." I chuckle. "But I'm sure you love a challenge, don't you?"

He just smirks as Doc tells him and the rest of the band they need to get their asses on stage. Doc walks over to me, arms crossed as we watch the boys open up the set with Too Fast for Love.

"He likes you, you know?" He doesn't look at me. "That's why he's giving you such a hard time."

"He can like me all he wants, it'll never lead to anything." I confidently say. "There is no way I'd fall for a guy like him."

"You say that now but sooner or later, you'll go back on your words. They always do..."

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