She Was The Best Damn Woman I Had Ever Seen

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April 24th, 1984; Somewhere in the UK.

It's late at night and I'm wide awake. Being on California time in the UK, isn't doing anything for my sleep schedule. Right now I'm sitting in the front of the bus while the boys on Hanoi Rocks are all passed out from either drunkenness or sleeping off their high.

I'm doodling in my notebook filled with notes about the band. And it also as a few polaroid pictures of me and Nikki. These were taken a couple nights before I left for tour. They were taken after a marathon session in bed. Our eyes were bloodshot from the cocaine in our systems. My neck, as well as his chest are littered with hickeys and his back is clawed to shit. In the pictures both of us are topless and in one picture, you can see Nikki fiddling with his new favorite toy; my nipple ring. We look so happy in these pictures. And that happiness is enough to make me feel very...weird.

"Can't sleep there, love?" A voice asks by the bunch door. I turn my head and see Nicholas Dingley aka Razzle standing there. There is a sleepy smile on his face as he walks over and sits down next to me, taking a glance at the pictures I was just looking at. "That your boyfriend back home?"

"I don't exactly know." I inform the drummer. "Nikki doesn't exactly do relationships."

"He's in a band isn't he?"

"Bass player for Motley Crue." I reply. "They're currently on the Bark at the Moon Tour with Ozzy Osbourne. These were taken before both of us left."

"You two look happy." He notes as he takes one of the more PG pictures we took. "He's lucky to have you."

"That's nice of you to say that, Razzle." I smile. "But you barely know me."

"You don't have to know a person long to know if they are a good person or not." He shrugs before handing me back a picture. "You're a good person, Aria. And I can't wait to get to know you this next month."

"You're sweet." I tell him. "Don't ever change."

"Don't plan on it." He smiles as he gets up. He holds out a hand. "Come on, let's get you to bed. You've got a long couple days."

"Are you going to read me a bedtime story?" I chuckle as I take his hand and allow him to pull me up from the seat.

"If I have to, love. If I have to..."


I'm backstage in the greenroom when a guy has come up to me. I have no idea who he is but he smells of cheap whiskey. He's loud and sloppy and getting on my nerves.

"Buddy, take a fucking hint," I growl at him as I push him away. He glares at me but doesn't leave me alone.

"Oi, what gives love?" He slurs. "I just asked if you wanted to help me remove that stick from your ass. You're clearly not having any fun at this concert."

"I'm working." I simply say before trying to get away from him. He grabs a hold of my bicep and grips hard as he rips me back towards him. "Fuck off will you?"

"Come on, love." He pulls me closer to him. I can feel a buldge from his leather pants. He's clearly enjoying this way too much.

"Get off of her!" A voice booms from the crowd. Soon after that Michael Monroe, lead singer of Hanoi Rocks, as well as Razzle comes storming over to us. But the lack of a cockney accent, I knew the voice was Michael.

"You're with these fags huh?" He sneers at me. "Whatever they're paying you, I'll double it."

"You're not a hooker, mate." Razzle says. "She's a journalist. Now leave her alone."

"Or what?" This jackass squares up with Razzle.

"Just fucking stop!" I get in between the two. "Razzle, Michael; let's go. Now!" I sternly look at them before turning my attention to the guy. I cock back my right fist and deliver a punch to the jaw. "Fucking leave, you're drunk. Michael and Razzle link arms with me before we walk away.

"Note to self, never piss you off." Michael chuckles. "Where did you learn to punch like that?"

"Dad was a roadie for various bands." I inform them. "I grew up on the road and around roadies. They were like those drunk uncles that are overly protective of you. They teach you important things like how to handle your liquor as well as how to punch a guy."

"I feel sorry for those who hurt you." Razzle laughs. "They won't know what hit them."

"Boys this is going to be a beautiful friendship; I feel it now."

"Good because you're not going to get rid of that easily." Razzle pulls me closer to him and plants a kiss on my temple. "Friends til death, I promise...."

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