I Want You To Stay, I Want You Today

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"It's Aria last night!" Tommy yells over the loud music playing in Nikki's hotel room. He rushes over to me, nearly spilling the shots of Jack Daniels he's carrying. "Shots! Now!" He orders, shoving a shot glass in my hands. "To great friends and even better times."

"Salud!" I say before we down the shots. Tommy smiles before taking my shot glass and runs off somewhere. I just laugh at the drummer before making my rounds. Roadies, groupies and rockstars flood this hotel room. I have even seen the Oz man himself running around. This is probably the best send off a band has done for me.

"Enjoying yourself?" A voice says behind me. I turn around and see Nikki standing there with a red solo cup in one hand and a mirror with two cocaine lines in another. "Are you ready to have even more fun?"

"You're a horrible influence." I say as he puts the mirror down on the dresser I'm standing by. He holds out a straw, urging me to take it.

"One line, that's all I'm asking." He simply tells me.

"Why do you want to see me with my hair down and doing stupid shit like drugs?" I ask him as I take the straw.

"I've got to my sure I'm not falling for an uptight bitch." He smirks.

"You're falling for me huh?" I lean down closer to the mirror. "How can you be so sure it's love and not lust?" I snort one line and quickly followed it with the other before handing him the straw. "Happy now?"

"Why does love and lust have to be two different things?" He questions me before leaning closer to me. "And you have no idea how happy I am to see you breaking the rules for once."

"Still think I'm this saint?"

"I never thought you were a saint, that was all Vince." He points out. "I knew deep down, there was a wild girl begging to come out. And I also knew, I'd be the one to release her." He's dangerously close to me at this point. I can feel my heart racing, pounding against my chest. "Why did you stop that night?"

"Room service came."

"Bullshit." He chuckles. "What's the real reason?"

"I refuse to be another notch in your bedpost." I tell him. "No matter how attracted I am to do. I'm not going to be a one night stand. Not now, nor ever."

"How about a one night stand that happens every night?" He questions before grabbing my left hand.

"You're not the relationship type and I'm not the casual sex type." I remind him, not removing my hand from his. "This isn't going to end well, you know that right?"

"Where is your sense of adventure?" He smirks as he pulls my hand up to his mouth and places a kiss on my knuckles. Slowly, he kisses up my arm to my shoulder, to the nape of my neck and my ear. I can feel his breath on my ear, causing a shiver to dance up my spine. "Let's finish what we started that night? Come on before you leave for L.A tomorrow morning?"

"Because you won't be able to handle just one night with me." I smirk before moving away from him. "Do you really think I'm that easy Sixx?"

"No and that's why I want you."

"You're going to find another blonde on the road and you'll forget all about me." I tell him. "I'll just be a distant memory."

"And if you're not?"

"You'll find me." I smile before walking away. It's time to enjoy this oncoming high and the last night on tour with Motley Crue.

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