With A Smile And A Wink And A Sparkle In Her Eyes

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By the end of the week, Nikki and I have fallen into a nice little routine of sarcasm and banter between us. Mick has almost become my best friend while Tommy actually has become my best friend. And Vince? Well I still think he's a major pig; but he's handsome so I'll let it slide.

Right now we are at a hotel in the middle of nowhere, relaxing by the pool. This should have been my day away from the guys but they insisted on sitting right next to me as I sunbathe. Nikki is on my left side and Vince in on my right. Tommy is next to Nikki and Mick is sitting under the umbrella a distance away from us. Tommy, Nikki and Vince are all talking about the girls they managed to bed today, alone. This was enough to earn an eye roll from me, which didn't go unnoticed by Nikki.

"Jealous, baby girl?" He asks and I cringe at the pet name.

"Yes because I'm so jealous of girls that chase every rock stars that manage to come through their tiny towns." My eyes roll again. "You do realize these girls are only sleeping with you for bragging rights, right?"

"You make it sound like a bad thing." Vince chuckles before taking a sip of his beer.

"Hey, it's not my body that's in danger of AIDS or some smaller STD." I shrug. "And do you really want to be with some rockstar's sloppy seconds? Your fellow rock stars aren't exactly the cleanest."

"And you'd know all about that wouldn't you?" Nikki smirks. "You've dated musicians before."

"I dated one musician before." I correct him. "And besides, I don't see Axl Rose getting any more famous than he already is with Hollywood Rose."

"No faith?" Tommy asks. "That's harsh, aren't girlfriends supposed to be supportive?"

"I'm not his girlfriend anymore, I don't have to stroke his ego." I reply. "He's too demanding and overdramatic. He'd have to find these amazing people in order to form a band with. They'll have to be more talented than his ego lets him think he is."

"Do girls really do that?" Vince asks. "Do they really stroke our egos and call it support?"

"Duh." I chuckle. "Because if we bluntly tell you that your band sucks, you'd call us bitches and break up with us. So yea, sometimes we really do stroke egos and lie to the ones we love. That's what you call support."

"That's harsh." Tommy once again says.

"That's life." I shrug. "Would you seriously be with someone that tells you your band sucks?"

"She's got a point, drummer." Mick says. "Girls lie but sometimes it's to protect themselves. They know if they don't lie and support their man, that guy will find support somewhere else."

"I wouldn't be like that." Tommy defends himself.

"Don't lie to yourself, Tommy baby." I tell him. "The moment a girl you love, doesn't love your band, you'll dump her. And I'm not saying her not liking the bandmates, I'm talking about the music. Because if it was the bandmates, you have every right to dump her."

"You're too blunt for your own good." Vince says. "No wonder why you're single."

"Soon, you'll understand why I'm so blunt." I tell him before getting up out of my lounge chair. "I'm going back inside, I'll see you boys later." I say before walking away, just as Ozzy comes out with nothing but a bathrobe on.

"Aria!" He says, slurring his words already. "It's so good to see you, how is your old man?" That's the one thing about Ozzy, he cares about everyone on his team and remembers everyone despite all the drugs he has in his system.

"Enjoying retirement in Ohio." I smile. "It's great seeing you again, Oz."

"The boys in Motley Crue treating you good?" He asks. "Give me one word and I'll so 'em Hell."

I look back at the boys, goofing off as Mick watches them like an annoyed dad. "They're treating me great. Don't worry. I'll be able to handle them if they weren't."

With a hug, I leave Ozzy and the pool area to finally be alone without any of the boys around.


As I'm getting ready for the show tonight, there is a knock on my door. I open it up to reveal Nikki standing there, shirtless and half ready for the show tonight.

"Nikki, what's up?" I ask the bassist as I move aside enough to let him in. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for the show tonight."

"Something has been bothering me since this afternoon," he admits as he runs his fingers through his raven hair. "I'm sorry about what Vince said. About you being blunt is the reason your single."

"Honestly that didn't bother me." I admit, chuckling. "But thanks for apologizing on Vince's behalf. That show maturity."

"You being blunt should be the reason why guys would want to be with you." He tells me. "I'd hate for someone to lie to me about something I'm passionate about. If they don't like it, I'd want to know. If I wanted someone girl to stroke my ego, I'd turn to a groupie. But I'd want my other half to tell me the truth."

"Wow, didn't think I'd hear that from our resident chaos kid." I smile. "But seriously, I'm not worried about what Vince said. He doesn't like me much anyway. Probably because I think he's a pig."

"Naw, he's mad because he's not the prettiest blonde on the bus anymore." Nikki chuckles and for some reason, his words make me blush. "I'll see you tonight at the show, right?"

"I'll be backstage." I smile. "Break a leg, Sixx."

"Thanks Summers." He smiles before walking away, leaving me with a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Get it together Summers, I think to myself. This is Nikki Sixx, you can't get feelings for him.

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