Making Love To Someone Else's Dreams

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"I thought your plan was to ignore Vince and Nikki?" Mick asks me a couple days later as we sit on the bus, heading to their next show. "But you've been spending all your free time with either Nikki or Tommy. Tommy I can see, you two have been thick as thieves since day one. But Nikki? You said you'd never fall into his trap."

"At least I kept my word about ignoring Vince." I say, sheepishly causing Mick to chuckle. "I don't know what it is about him, but it seems I have a soft spot for Nikki."

"Are you sure it's not because you think he's hott?" Mick questions. "That's why every other girl flocks to him."

"I'm not every girl." I remind him. "I just started seeing him in a totally different light after he left a party to walk me to the hotel."

"He was probably hoping to get into your leather pants." Mick shrugs.

"Nah, this was different." I sigh. "I know when a guy is trying to get into my pants, I surprisingly didn't get those vibes from Nikki."

"And it seems like your falling into the trap like every other girl." Mick sighs. "Just don't fall in love with him. It'll leave you broken. And I'd hate to have to kick my bass player's ass because he broke your heart."

"Aw, you do like me." I chuckle causing Mick to roll his eyes.

"Don't mention it to anyone, okay blondie?" Mick gets up and heads to his bunk. His spot was quickly taken by Nikki.

"So what were you and gloom and doom talking about?" He asks, putting an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

"I can have conversations that don't involving booze and banter." I chuckle, pulling away a little bit to look Nikki in the eyes. "Are you jealous Mister Sixx?"

He just scoffs before pulling me back into his side. I can't help but to chuckle. He's jealous, I can't believe it.


After soundcheck, I notice Nikki flirty with a busty blonde. The blonde is twirling her hair and basically pushing her chest up in Nikki's face. He's smiling and carrying on, enjoy every ounce of attention he's getting from this girl. I just roll my eyes and head over to Tommy and Vince.

"You know, he's an idiot right?" Tommy asks, being vague.

"Tommy, I'm touring with a band that's primarily made up of idiots, you got to be a little more specific baby." I chuckle, causing Tommy to playfully roll his eyes and Vince to flip me the finger. I just blow him a kiss. "But who's the idiot this time?"


"And this is news to us?" Vince asks. "What did the moron do now?"

"Completely flirting with the blonde over there when he has the most perfect blonde to be with on the bus."

"I'm sure Nikki isn't into dudes." I chuckle before turning to Vince. "Sorry Vinnie."

"You are such a bitch, Summers." He mutters before walking off, leaving me and Tommy alone.

"He really hates me, doesn't he?" I chuckle. "But to be serious, Nikki and I are just friends. That's all."

"You guys were completely flirting the other night when we were at that bar." He states. "You can't tell me, you weren't."

"I'm a flirty drunk and Nikki's just a flirt; nothing serious." I sigh. "You're the second member of Motley Crue to bring me and Nikki's relationship up today. You guys, got to stop meddling."

"I think you guys would be awesome together. You might actually reign in Nikki's chaos." He shrugs. "As your best friend on this bus, you get my stamp of approval. But if he breaks your heart, I'll kick his ass. Best friend or not."

"Mick already calls dibs on kicking Nikki's ass." I chuckle as I place a hand on Tommy's arm. "But thanks. It's been awhile since I've had a guy friend in my corner. A guy friend that doesn't want to get in my pants."

"You're stuck with me now, Ria." He chuckles before pulling me into hug. "Whether you like it or now, I'm staying right here for you. Even after this month is over with."

I watch was Nikki looks over at us. His jaw tightens a little before going back to flirting with the blonde. I just smile before wrapping my arms around Tommy. "Thanks Tommy, for everything that has happened and will happen on this tour. You're the best friend a girl can ask for."

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