Sometimes I Feel I've Got To Run Away

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July 1985

"Aria!" I hear Nikki yell as he enters my apartment. I look up from the book I'm reading to give the rockstar my full attention. "What are you doing this summer? Do you think Brad will let you take a vacation so you can see the world with your boyfriend?"

"I'm working this summer." I inform him. "It all depends on when this adventure starts and finishes."

"I want you to come on tour with me." He smiles. "The Theater of Pain tour starts in Japan on July 7 and we'll be in Japan for a little over a week. Then the tour picks up on our soil July 31st and will last until the end of the year. And I want you right there with me."

I grimace. "I'm sorry baby but I honestly can't be gone from work that long. And besides, my next band is already picked out and I'll be leaving to tour with them beginning of August. And I'll be with them for a month. So I can come for a little bit, but I can't be with you for long." Nikki's eyes grow dark. He's pissed. "Are you seriously pissed off right now?"

"I figured you'd try a little harder to make plans to be with me; especially on tour." He spits.

"I'm sorry I'm not catering to your fucking ego right now." I roll my eyes, tossing my book aside. "I'm not going to leave my job to follow your ass around the world like a lost little puppy. While I do have feelings for you, my job is first priority. I love my job. I'm not going to leave it for some guy with a fragile ego."

"So I have a fragile ego?" He scoffs. "I thought you loved being on tour with us. I thought you'd make us a bigger priority."

"I just found out about this tour today!" I counter. "And you're giving me a 6 day notice. Nikki, I've got a job. I can't just drop what I'm doing to follow you. It doesn't work like that."

"You don't need a job!" He exclaims. "I can take care of you. I'm a fucking rockstar."

"A rockstar that I've been dating for two weeks!" I remind him. "We haven't even told each other that we love each other and yet you want me to quit my job and let you take care of me? What kind of girl do you take me for? I'm not a trophy or a fucking house wife. If you knew me at all, you'd know that."

"I'm sorry that I want my girlfriend by my side." He throws his hands up in defence. "I wanted to have you on tour with me without you having to be a professional and longer than just a quick visit. Is that so much to ask for?" He actually looks sincere. "I do love you Aria. You're...different. But you knew that right? I always make sure to remind you that you're not just another fuck to me. But what about you? Am I just another rockstar you managed to bed?"

"I don't make it a habit of allowing rockstars into my bed." I remind him. "It's just you and Axl. And it'll probably stay that way. Because fuck, those egos are fragile." He lets out a chuckle before plopping down on the couch next to me. "Once this tour is over with, I'll talk with work and I'll be on the first flight out to whatever city you boys are in."

"Promise?" He holds out his pinkie finger. He has a childish smile on his lips

I wrap my pinkie around his, "I promise." He lets go of my finger before pulling me into his lap.

"So what band are you touring with this time?"

"Bon Jovi."

Nikki groans. "Don't you have the hots for one of them?"

"Richie Sambora." I dreamily sigh. "Such a babe."

"Keep it in your pants, Summers." Nikki playfully warns. This causes me to turn in his lap. I'm straddling his waist and my arms are wrapped around his neck. Nikki's arms circle around my waist pulling me even closer to him. "There is only one rockstar allowed in your bed at a time."

"He may be hot but I'm more into bass players than guitar players." This was a lie but I'm not going to let Nikki know this. Especially not when he kisses me like he does.

"We've been together for two weeks and we've already had our first fight." He chuckles.

"This doesn't seem promising for our future." I chuckle as well.

"If we can survive this fight, we can survive anything." He smiles. "I love you, Aria."

"I love you too." I smile before placing a sweet angelic kiss on his lips.

"Can you do me one favor while I'm on tour?" He asks when we pull away.


"Stay away from Guns N Roses..."

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