Highway To The Danger Zone

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The month flies by and before I know it, it's my last week with the boys of Hanoi Rocks. Razzle and I have been inseparable from the first day; much like how Tommy and I were. I must have a thing for befriending drummers. Michael is my second closest friend. I guess not all blonde lead singers are total jackass. The three of us are constantly together laughing and chatting it up. I have definitely made lifelong friends when it comes to those two.

I'm in a hotel room, in God knows where, when I finally managed to get a number to get a hold of Doc. Since I get back to the states before the boys get done with tour, I thought it would be nice to surprise them by flying into their next tour. I surprisingly miss those fuckers and it's not just Nikki either. I even miss Vince.

After chowing down on some food, I call up the hotel the boys are in and ask for Doc's room. Thankfully he's the one that answers the phone. "Hey Doc, it's Aria Summers from Rolling Stone."

"Miss us already?" He laughs. "It's nice to hear your voice girl. How's L.A?"

"Nikki didn't tell you?" I ask him. "I'm on tour with Hanoi Rocks. I'm actually just finishing up. And that's why I'm calling you."

"So that's why Nikki's been listening to that band constantly." He laughs. "Not bad, not really into the whole glam punk thing."

"Yea but Nikki is." I chuckle. "Since I'm finishing up with Hanoi Rocks before they come back to L.A; I was thinking about surprising them."

"Do you mean surprising Nikki?" I can picture Doc's smirk.

"I miss all of them." I defend myself. "But sure, to surprise Nikki."

"Do you think that's a good idea?" He asks. "Not that I don't love seeing you. I'm sure Tommy would be excited as well. But what happens when you show up and see Nikki all over a girl."

"We're not exclusive." I inform the manager. "Nikki can do whoever he wants. I'm just flying out to see him and the guys. Now where will you guys be May 22nd?"

"Atlanta, GA." He informs me. "They're performing at the Omni Coliseum. I'll put your name at will call and with backstage security and I'll make sure to do with before the guys are around. That way it remains a surprise."

"Thanks Doc, you're amazing." I tell him. "I'll see you May 22nd then."

"Be safe Aria." He tells me before hanging up.

I let out a squeal before collapsing onto my bed. I can't wait to see the boys again. I truly miss them; especially Nikki.


I rush backstage just as Motley Crue take the stage. I immediately find Doc and drop my bags before pulling the older man into a hug. He just chuckles at me and takes in my appearance. My hair is in a messy bun and I'm still in a pair of torn jeans and a Motley Crue t-shirt. I honestly look no different than the guys in the crowd.

"Did you come here straight from the airport?" He asks, motioning to my bags. "Why didn't you stop at the hotel? I gave you that information for a reason."

"Plane was delayed at take off." I roll my eyes. "I had no time to stop and make myself look presentable."

"I honestly don't think that's going to matter." He points behind me. I turn around and see Nikki staring at me from the stage. A smirk appears on his lips as he takes the sight of me in. The smirk only seems to grow when he notices the band's name across my chest. "You can be dressed in sweats and a ratty shirt and I'm sure he'll still look at you like you're this goddess."

"Don't get a girl's hopes up." I let out a chuckle. "A guy like Nikki can break a girl's heart and self esteem."

"That's only if you give him that power." He reminds me. "But from where I stand, you have all the power. That boy is enamoured by you." I can feel my cheeks heat up from Doc's comment as well as Nikki's constant staring.


"Aria!" Tommy yells as he comes running over to me. He picks me up and spins me around before placing my back down onto the ground. "I can't believe you're here! How did you know where we'll be."

"Doc." I reply as I pull Mick into a hug. "How you doing old man? Are the kids driving you insane yet?"

"They've been acting up since you left." He smirks. "You might need to put them back in their places."

"We'll see." I smile before turning to Vince, who actually pulled me into a hug first. "Wow has hell frozen over or something since I left?"

"What I'm not allowed to miss my favorite ice queen?" He smirks before walking away; leaving me and Nikki alone.

"Miss me rockstar?" I ask, smirking at him. He doesn't say anything, only closes the space between us. He takes one final look at me before crashing his lips onto mine... Yea, he missed me.


"How was Hanoi Rocks?" Tommy asks the next morning as we are on the bus. Tommy and I are the only ones on the bus awake. Vince and Mick are in their bunks while Nikki is curled up next to me. He's currently using my lap as a pillow.

"They're not bad." I reply. "Razzle, their drummer, has probably been one of the sweetest people I've met. We instantly connected; much like how me and you connected."

"But you love me more, right?" He smirks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"I'll always love you more."

"I'm your favorite member of Motley Crue, anyway." He chuckles. A chuckles escapes my lips as I start playing with Nikki's hair. "You know, he has really hooked up with any girls since you left for the UK." Tommy informs me. "Vince says he's whipped. I think he's in love."

"You don't have to lie for my benefit, Tommy." I assure the drummer. "We're not an item. He can screw whoever he wants."

"But that's the thing, he doesn't want to." He states. "Yea he'll stare when we go to the strip clubs and shit. But he's not touching them or anything. You must have really done a number on him."

I just stare at the bass play asleep in my lap. He looks so peaceful. A smile creeps on my lips as I continue to play with his hair. This man is going to destroy my heart. I feel it now...

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