With A Rebel Yell She Cried- "More, More, More"

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December 3rd, 1984

I'm sitting in a hotel room with Michael Monroe in Cleveland, OH. His ankle is elevated high due to him fracturing it during their performance in Syracuse, NY. I was in town to spend Thanksgiving with my father. But of course on my last day, I had to see my newfound friends. Sadly it's not under great circumstances.

"So much for making our U.S debut without a hitch." Michael lets out a humorless chuckle before downing the rest of his beer.

"Should you really be drinking?" I question the blonde as he pops a couple painkillers, chasing them with a big gulp of a new beer. "That's not safe."

"Nothing I put into my body is safe." He motions his head to his stash of needles and a spoon he uses for heroin. "Thanks for not writing about the drug use in your article."

"I write articles about the music, not about the shit the rockstar do backstage." I shrug. "It's not my business nor the fans. If I was to be judgy, I'd be a hypocrite. I'm not exactly innocent."

"Cocaine and weed are pretty minor compared to heroin."

"Please be safe." I plea with him. "I don't want to see your name in the headlines as being the next rockstar that was taken from this world too soon because of drugs."

"The world can't get rid of me that easily." He smiles. "Sorry you came all this way to see a concert that was cut short."

"I get to spend time with you, which is more important than seeing a concert." I smile. "Get better, don't rush the healing process."

"We're taking a break and spending it in California." He tells me. "Some band wants us to hang out and party with them."

"See, you're already making friends in the States." I nudge me. "Soon you'll be the band on everyone's lips."

"Glad you have the vote of confidence in us, Ria."

"We'll someone has to." I laugh. "You guys have my number, give me a call when you get out to California. Depending on where you guys end up, we'll have to hang out when you're out there."

"I'm sure Razzle would be pissed off if we didn't hang out with you." He chuckles. "That boy loves you. But I can see why, you're an amazing person."

"Thanks Monroe. But I've got to go. I've got a flight back to California first thing in the morning." I get up off the bed then lean over and kiss his cheek. "Call me when you guys get sick of partying."

"If we have to, we'll beg them to allow you to come with us. No party is complete without Aria Summers."

"A lot of people will tell you differently." I snort before walking out of the hotel room; closing the door quietly as I do. I take a deep sigh before heading back to the car I borrowed from my dad. I guess it's time to head back to reality.


I walk into The Rainbow Room a couple nights later. It wasn't hard to spot the boys of Motley Crue. They were loud and had a swarm of girls around them and probably under the table they were currently sitting at. Tainted Love played in the background and really set the mood of the night. As I near the table, I notice a very familiar face sitting at the table.

"Fuck I love America!" The Brit moans out, probably thanks to a groupie under the table. The boys probably mentioned to the girl Razzle was in a band.

"RIA!" Tommy yells, causing the rest of the men to look in my direction. "Damn you look amazing tonight!" I twirl around, giving the men the full experience of my leather dress and sky high stilettos.

"I knew I was going to have competition tonight. I had to bring my A game. " I smirk before walking over to Nikki, giving him a quick peck on the lips before sitting down next to him. We may not be in a relationship but we aren't shy about public displays of affection, which Vince constantly complains about. I'm not sure if he's actually joking or not.

"Please you always bring your A game." Nikki assures me as a hand finds its way to my thigh. He smirks at me as that hands slides further north and under my dress. "You're gorgeous. And I missed you."

"How was Thanksgiving with your dad?" Mick asks.

I cough to cover the moan that's at the back of my throat. I push Nikki's hand down before answering the guitarist. "It was nice. We exchanged Ozzy Osbourne stories. Needless to say Oz snorting fire ants and licking his own piss won the award of best moment ever!"

"And you have us to thank for that!" Nikki exclaims, causing me to chuckle. "Admit it, you had fun with us on tour."

"I did." I admit before turning my attention to the glam punk drummer. "You'll have a blast partying with these guys, Raz. Truly."

"I can already tell I'll have a blast if that blow job was just the start." He chuckles. "Plus I get to spend time with you too, apparently. Nothing can get better than this!" I can't help but smile at his excitement. He's like a kid in a candy store. He's excitedly talking about something with Tommy. I didn't realize how long I was staring until I hear Nikki's voice in my ear.

"Want to get out of here?" He whispers before kissing the shell of my ear. "I missed you so much." His kiss goes from my ear to my neck, then he bites down on my pulse and sucks on it; earning a moan from me. Thankfully the boys are too distracted by Razzle and now the other boys from Hanoi Rocks to even notice.

I turn to Nikki with wild eyes. "My place is closer." Is the only thing I say before grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the booth and out to my car...


"God I missed you." Nikki murmurs into the nape of my neck before rolling away from me to lay on his back. "How's your old man?"

"He wants to meet you." I inform Nikki before rolling over and cuddling up against him. "He wants to meet all of you guys. He wants to see the men that can keep with with Ozzy's insanity."

"You didn't tell your dad about us, did you?"

"My dad has no business knowing who I'm fucking and who I'm not." I reply. "So you're still a secret from my family and hopefully the rest of the world."

"I think that's best." An arm goes around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"Why don't want having a girlfriend ruin your playboy reputation?" I question him. I can feel him tense up. Touchy subject?

"I would hate my playboy reputation to ruin your spotless reputation." He admits. I lift my head to look up at him with questioning eyes. "What? I can care about someone other than myself and bandmates." He lets out a chuckle. "I'll do everything in my power to keep your Saint status intact."

"How much of a saint can I be if I just snorted cocaine off of your chest not even 20 minutes ago?" I chuckle, causing a belly laugh to escape Nikki. "It's crazy. I swore up and down, I'll never be in a casual relationship with anyone, especially a rockstar."

"And look where you are now." He laughs.

"Yea, the sex must be just that good." Nikki leans down and kisses my lips. "You're going to be the death of me, Nikki Sixx. I hope you know that."

"I could say the same thing about you." He ways with a kiss on the top of my head. I say nothing and just rest my head on his chest and allow sleep to wash over me...

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