I'm Coming Down Fast But Don't Let Me Break You

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I walk backstage and see the boys getting ready for tonight's show. I take a close look at Tommy and chuckle at his pants...they're technically mine and extremely short on him.. "Tommy Baby, if you wanted to get in my pants so bad, you could have just asked." I tell the drummer, who just chuckled.

"They look better on me." He smirks. "I ran out of clothing and we're about the same size." I just laugh and shake my head. "Besides, I'm not the Motley Crue member that wants to get into your pants." His smirk grows before he looks over at Nikki who was too involved with talking to Mick to notice the comment.

"You know we're just friends, right?"

"Then explain why he got pissy after you were talking to Mick this morning and me this afternoon? He wants you to himself. I'm sure if you flirt with Vinnie, he'll blow a gasket. Which is something I'd love to see."

"I'm not gonna flirt with a man that hates me."

"Vinnie doesn't hate you, he's just pissed he's not the prettiest blonde on the bus now."

"Nikki said the same thing." I laugh. "I'm still not flirting with him, so you can just forget about Nikki blowing a gasket. You won't see that."

"I'm telling you, Nikki wants you Aria. Like badly." Tommy informs me. "And I can tell, the feeling is mutual."

"You're in denial, drummer." I chuckle. "Just go give the crowd hell, okay? Worry about the fans and not about me and Nikki."

"What about you and Nikki?" Nikki questions as we walks up to us. He instantly looks at his friend's pants and chuckles. "Are you seriously wearing Aria's white leather pants?"

"They look so much better on me." He models before running off, laughing. Leaving me and Nikki very much alone.

"So what were you and T-Bone talking about?" Nikki questions as he stands in front of me, leaning up against the wall.

"Him being in denial over something." I shrug. "It's nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about. He thinks something is between two people and he's clearly in denial over the fact he's actually wrong."

"That's Tommy for you." He chuckles.

"So you and the blonde, what number was she for the day?" I question him, half interested. "I'm guessing number 5."

"You're actually quite off." He replies. "We didn't hook up. Wasn't my type."

"A busty blonde who has a pulse and a vagina wasn't your type?" I question the bass player. "You are feeling well Sixx?"

"I'm feeling fine." He smiles before standing up straight just as Doc ushers everyone to the stage. "I just have my eyes on a bigger and better prize. Now are you going to wish me luck?"

"Since when does Nikki Sixx need luck?" I question him with a smirk on my lips. "Give 'em hell, Sixx. Give 'em hell." He leans in and kisses my cheek before running to grab his bass and meet the boys out on the stage.

"You're trapped." Doc simply states. "Nikki has you and will not let you go, no matter what."

"You've been hanging out and Tommy and Mick too much." I tell him. "I'm in no one's trap."


It's the after party and I'm sitting at bar of some random dive bar and some small town. The bartender comes over and smiles at me, very flirtatiously.

"What can I get you?" He asks. "I'm guessing, Sex on the Beach." I make a face at this suggestion.

"Jack and Coke please." I tell him. "Strong on the Jack, light on the Coke." He nods his head in appreciation and goes to fill my drink.

"Such a strong drink for such a innocent looking girl." A drunk behind me says as he sits down next to me. You can smell the alcohol coming out of his pores. He's clearly had one too many drinks. "I say you sitting backstage, you with the band or something? Are you one of Motley Crue's groupies?"

"I work for Rolling Stone Magazine." I inform him, not even giving him a second glance. "I'm writing a piece of them. I'm not fucking a single boy on that bus. Not like it's any of your concern."

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be with those leather and makeup wearing fags anyway." He slurs. "You need to be with a real man; a roadie."

"You're one of Ozzy's roadies, aren't you?" I ask, earning a nod from the drunk in front of me. "Here's a fun fact, being a roadie doesn't make you a real man. Just like wearing leather and makeup doesn't make Motley Crue fags. So why don't you kindly fuck off and leave me alone to drink in peace."

"Why should I leave?" He hiccups. "Because some bitch that needs to be muzzled told me to?" At this point his voice raises to screaming levels, gaining the attention of the whole bar; especially Motley Crue's attention. And especially Nikki's attention.

"What's your name?" I ask the drunk man as I watch Nikki get closer out of the corner of my eye.

"What?" The man looks confused. "Why should I give you my name? It's not like your gonna fuck me anyway."

"Just give me your fucking name, dick."

"Mike Harvey." He replies. "What's your name?"

"I'm the girl that is gonna get you fired." With that, I get up off the barstool I was sitting at and head over to the part of the bar where I know Ozzy and Sharon are...


Nikki Sixx

"What the fuck did she just say?" He yells as we watch Aria head off to search for the Prince of Darkness and this man's boss.

"I hope you didn't like this job alot because after bothering Aria like that; you probably won't have it much longer." I inform this man. "Aria has a special connection with your boss."

"She fucking him?" He questions. "She can't be, his wife would butcher her."

"Aria's father was a roadie," Mick starts as he gets closer. "He tour with countless bands but more importantly, he toured with Black Sabbath."

"Her father worked for Ozzy and the band for many years and was probably one of Ozzy's favorite roadies." Tommy adds.

"Ozzy watched her grow up and he's very protective of her." Surprisingly Vince says.

"We're basically telling you, you're fucked." I chuckle. "Hope you had another gig lined up because you're just about to get fired." I point to the VIP section where Aria is, talking to Sharon. "You might want to go pack your bags." The man instantly sobers up as he watches Aria and Sharon walking over to us. Aria has such a victorious smirk on her lips once she nears us.

"You feel better?" Tommy questions her. "I can't believe you just got a guy fired. What did he say that pissed you off so much?"

"He was a fucking drunk and didn't take no for an answer and talked shit about my friends." She shrugs. "Nothing major. Plus it just shows you guys that you can't fuck with me." She laughs. "Ozzy already told me if you guys give me problems he'll make your lives a living hell."

"He must really like you." Vince notes. "But thanks for having our backs. I'm assuming we're the friends you were talking about."

"Don't let me being nice go to your head Vinnie." She smirks. "I still think you're a pig."

"And I still think you're a bitch." Surprisingly Vince kisses her cheek before heading back to the redhead from the show. Then one by one, Tommy and Mick leaves; leaving me and Aria alone.

"Did Vince really kiss my cheek?" The blonde in front of me questions with a chuckle. "I think Hell has gone and frozen over."

"I think he's starting to actually like you." I note as I guide Aria back to the bar. "How you feeling?"

"I got a man fired, I feel powerful." She laughs. "But seriously he was talking shit about you guys and he called me a bitch that needed to be muzzled. He was asking to be fired. Ozzy may be many thing, but he doesn't take well to assholes."

"I'm glad we have you in our corner than." I laugh, draping an arm around her as we stand at the bar. "What can I get our knight in shining armor?"

"I think you know the answer to that." She smirks.

I laugh before turning towards the bartender. "A couple shots of Jack Daniels." The bartender nods as goes to fill the order.

"You're going to get me in trouble one of these days." She chuckles as a smile dances across her lips.

"And you might just get me out of trouble one of these days." I mutter, thankfully low enough for her not to hear me over the music playing at the bar...

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