Wedding dress...

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The alarm rang, I reached my arm out to find my noisy phone while my eyes were still closing real tight and my face was wincing like an old monkey's ass.

After having the phone in my hand, I turned the alarm off and slammed my phone against the bed while screaming:

- Fuck!!!

I hate mornings. I've always been like this. And there's one added reason to hate them even more: I had to wake up every day to one fact that the girl I'd been loving on one third of my entire life was going to be someone else's wife in five days.

Epic! Isn't it?

I sat up from my bed to find my phone, and then lied down again once I found it. I opened my phone by inserting my password, and the first thing I saw was this beautiful face of this precious woman whose I would die for.

I smiled to my phone screen like an idiot that I was and whispered lovingly:

- Good morning, Chris.

When I was still deep in my own dream, my phone rang unstoppably, which scared the hell out of me and made me drop it right on my face. I thought I broke my freakin nose.

- Fuck you, Pinoe! – I yelled at the person that called me this early in the morning.

- Tobin! What are you still doing?! Bring your ass over here! The dress is fucking ready! – she literally screamed in the phone for no reason.

My ear wax from this ear slid its way through my brain and ended up in the other ear because of her incredible scream.

- Morning, Pinoe. – I said softly with my just woke up voice.

- Morning my anus. Will you come over or not? You were the one that wanted to do this. – her voice became softer than before. She started to feel sorry for me again.

- Thanks Pi. – I said, smiling at the way my bitch showed me love.

- Whatever, come. Ash and Ali are here too. We're waiting for you. – she said.

- I'm coming. – I assured.

- Uh. Come. We've bought coffee for you too, so don't bother drinking it alone at home. – she pulled that big-sister-energy out again, and I didn't hate it.

I smiled.

- I love you, Pi. – my stupid eyes wanted to bawl out of the blue again, so I had to compress myself.

I just wanted to cry to be honest. I don't deserve Megan Rapinoe at all. She's too good for me. It'd been really hard and she never left my side.

- Don't be stupid. We're waiting so be quick.

Pinoe ended our call after that.


I stepped in a wedding dress store which is owned by Ashlyn and Ali. They got this store after their retirement. They're doing so fucking great with everything going on in their lives and I'm just so happy for 'em.

- Here. Coffee. – Ash gave the cup to me.

- Thanks Ash. – I said.

- The dress is arrived. – Ali swung her eyes to the direction of where Christen Press's wedding dress supposed to be put.

I exhaled and smiled satisfyingly.

- That's so good. – I'd been waiting for so long and it finally arrived so I just felt extremely relieved.

Hello, Chris... Goodbye.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ