... when is later, Christen Press?

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- I'll take the very outside spot because I pee a lot. - Kameryn said so casually, which made me choke while taking a sip of water.

- Ok. So Kelley will be next to Kam cos they're... - Ali shrugged then continued, - well, obviously married.

I don't know why I found it hilarious in the way Ali talked. Like they're supposed to lie next to each other because they're married? So Ash and Pinoe were more than just married then, cos they had already chose their spot together, and still hugging each other like two otters refused to let one another go. Tbh, I don't even know when they walked each other there and actually laid down, or maybe they crawled to get there, but anyway who cares? Good for them for still knowing where to sleep.

- Who's gonna sleep next to Kelley? Who volunte...

Ali had not even finished her sentence, Crystal had already thrown Sydney down that spot.

- She volunteers. - Crys said, which made most of us lose our shit.

Like what the fuck just happened? Oh my God!

Seeing Crys breathed heavily after throwing her off, and knowing that she had to handle Sydney all by herself in the washroom made it even funnier.

- Ok, who's next to Syd then? - Ali asked with the least amount of the power of the house holder she got, because her face obviously said "fuck this entire night" after hearing her wife slapping her child's head because of an empty champagne bottle.

After as gently as possible placing HAO next to Syd, Julie exhaled slightly, then decided:
- They belong together.

Are they naturally funny or am I just easy to laugh? Because these bitches honestly had made my tummy twisted way so many times this whole day already.

- Naeher and I can sleep anywhere honestly. We don't mind. - Melvin sweetly said.

Yep. It's been years after they got married and Mellie still called Alyssa by her last name just like back when she was one-sidedly in love with Lyz. I know it's weird since she is also a Naeher, but Mellie loves it so much, and Alyssa would cringe whenever her wife calls her differently, so it will probably stay that way for the rest of their life. And also the way Mellie says "Naeher and I " this, "Naeher and I" that are real adorable.

- No, not really, I would like to sleep next to my wife, please. - Lyzzie said and I just wanted to slap her cheesy fucking face.

Was she stupid or was she super stupid just now?

- Honey, what I just said means WE, WE will sleep next to each other. - Mellie explained to her wife while chuckling.

- Oh, I see. I thought you meant us sleeping apart didn't matter to you. - her sad eyes appeared, as she thought Mellie really meant that way, made me regret calling her stupid earlier.

Damn these hoes are so in love, I'm offended.

- It's ok, honey. You can sleep with your wife. It's hard to accept but we'll try to tolerate. - Skylar tapped Lyz's shoulder understandingly in a teasing way.

- Fuck off, Sky. - Lyz jokingly kicked Skylar's butt, which made Sky fall forward and into Ali who happened to stand right in front of her.

Ali caught and hugged Sky into her with class and grace.

- Oh my God, I'm so sorry. - Alyssa immediately acknowledged what she just did and felt apologetic about it.

We didn't know what to do but laughed. You may be surprised that Alyssa literally just did something physical to Skylar because they're probably supposed to be not so close in your assumption, but trust me, this family is so fucking solid, everyone is bestfriend to one another, however Ashlyn and Megan, also Skylar and Christen, and Crystal and Julie are just little bit closer which we all could finally accept after having a very hard time dealing with the unbalance in our family.

Hello, Chris... Goodbye.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora