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Someone, grab Megan. Tobin, grab Megan for me please! – Skylar yelled out for my help from the dinning table.

I immediately ran to the back door and got Pinoe in my arms as she was about to collapse due to an unnecessary amount of alcohol intake.

- Please take her to the sofa, I'll come as soon as I finish cleaning up. – Sky said worriedly as she was gathering the dirty plates and cutlery in a hurry.

- Take your time, Sky. It's ok. – I told her.

- Thanks, Toby. – she said, let out a long sigh as she was balancing a lot of plates on her hands to deliver to the kitchen for Christen and Ali (two of the sober ones) to wash.

Christen can't drink. Sky's allergic to alcohol so she obviously can't drink. Ali only took a few sips because she knew even if she was out for just one second, this house would fall apart, so she had to stay alert and conscious all the time. Kameryn hates alcohol to her core, that's why she's stuck with Kelley for life, because it's in God's words: you marry what you hate. I was not even tipsy since I didn't drink much. Julie and Crystal have a to-the-grave rule that they don't let themselves drunk at any cost when their kids are around. Mellie can't drink at the moment because she's still breastfeeding the kids. And Alyssa isn't human.

- Are you alright? Need help? – Lyzzie asked while holding one of her children in her hands.

She was walking back and forth to help him fall asleep easier while Mellie was busily dealing with their daughter in the room. Their life with the twins had been basically every day is another battle. I don't even know how they did it without the idea of killing themselves.

- It's ok, Alyssa. I don't want this little shit to puke all over my nephew. – I slapped Pinoe's head real hard, which made even myself surprised.

- Ouch. – she said, trying to fight me back but her eyelids were so heavy that her eyes were practically closing so she couldn't see anything, so it made her miss a chance of hitting me back.

- You would be dead meat if Sky saw you almost made her wife's head explode. – Kameryn stepped out of the kids' room with a children's book in her hand.

She was responsible for taking the kids to bed after Kai and Hermie helped the youngers with showers, since they'd played all day and had been so exhausted. They all refused to go to bed at first, but thanks to our super mom Ali Krieger, they all listened to her obediently which wasn't surprising at all.

When I was about to throw her on the sofa so she could sleep next to Kelley O'hara who was by the way dying after drinking all the beer in the house by herself, Sky stepped out of the kitchen and asked:
- Me what? – she just barely heard her name when Kam mentioned her.

- Nothing. Here's your wife, ma'am.

I gave Pinoe to her, Sky then hugged Pi into her with such love and gentleness. It almost felt like she was afraid of breaking Pinoe apart she used anymore strength. I wondered what she would do to me if she found out I would have thrown her wife on the sofa if she didn't appear on time.

Skylar honestly handled her wife's drunk ass so neatly that it made me feel useless. She even helped her sit down on the couch so easily just like a bite of donut.

How could she do that? She's just a small person but she could hold Megan so cleanly, which was complete opposite of when Megan was in my arms, because her head was rocking back and forth and I couldn't even hold her up probably. Everything was just all over the place until Skylar stepped in. I guess love is another entire kind of superpower on its own.

I bent my knees to sit down next to the Rapinoes to rest for a little while since I just swept the entire house by a broom, because apparently I wasn't allowed to use vacuum cleaner since it was the kids' bedtime and the big ass sound of the machine might wake them up.

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