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There was a strange feeling raising from my chest. It's a good strange feeling, actually. I smiled to myself and focused on the road.

My phone ran suddenly, which distracted me for a few short seconds. I saw the name of the contact number on the screen and got scared as my pupil dilated.

- H-hello? - I hesitated.

- Tobin, did you see the baby seat in my car? It disappeared all of a sudden.

I laughed drily as I took a quick glimpse at the infamous seat that she was talking about being installed against the back seat of my car through the mirror.

- Huh? Why do you ask me? I don't even live with you guys. - I played dumb.

Sorry, my sweet sweet sis-in-law.

- Ah no, you just stopped by and the seat was still there before you came, so I was wondering if you saw it somewhere that your brother or I accidentally left after we took it off. We cleaned the back seat once in awhile so.

- A-ah. - I pretended that I understood .

- Did you see it?

- No, I didn't.

- Ok, then. It's so freaking weird. I mean it was just there this morning. - her voice sounded a little frustrated, however, very quickly she got over it and accepted the fact that she just lost the seat.

- Anyway, whatever. We still have an old one from a few years ago.

- Oh, that's good then. - I tried to control my voice so I wouldn't get caught.

- Kay, bye. Have fun today. - she said as if she knew where I was heading to.

- W-why do I have to have fun? I am allowed to not have fun at all, ok?!

I don't know what had gotten into me that I decided to give such response to her, however, I regretted it immediately though. Fucking stupid me! Ugh!

- Why so serious, man? I was just saying whatever. - she got dumbfounded because of my surprisingly puzzling response.

- Nothing. I'm just a little bit sensitive in the afternoon. - I lied to make this end as soon as possible.

- I'm sorry. - sis said.

- No, I'm sorry, Alice.

And then I hung up and exhaled strongly. I almost suffocated to death from the situation. Just not ready to be found out by other people what I was about to do, that's all.

I parked my car by the sidewalk and got off to walk towards the door of her father's place.

I cleared my throat, breathed in my hands to check if my breath smelled, flattened my clothes once again because of anxiety and placed the tip of my finger on the bell button. I exhaled strongly and finally gathered all my courage to press it.

- Jesus. - I rubbed my chest once the bell rang. It wasn't that loud, I just got startled by my own conscience.

A minute or so later, someone opened the door.

- Tobin. - her sweet voice called out for my name.

- Hi. - I tried to act as natural as possible, but instead of being natural, I waved my hand to her as if I was here as Heather's kindergarten friend instead of her mother's friend.

Realized how weird I must have looked, my lowered my hand and hid it behind my back, very very awkwardly and embarrassingly.

Chris covered her mouth and let out a little laugh. She said:
- I didn't know we agreed to meet today. Or I forgot to note to myself. Lemme check.

Hello, Chris... Goodbye.Where stories live. Discover now