being chased by the past...

570 15 5

I looked the my phone ringing, a smile came across my face as I saw the name of the contact number.

- Uh. - I picked up.

- You know what? I'm coming over. - Pinoe announced.

- What about my sleep? - I joked.

- Fuck your stupid sleep, I'm on my way. - she said.

I could hear the subtle sound of music from her car's radio.

- Stay the fuck up. I'll be there in a minute. - she ensured that I was going to wait for her.

I smiled. I never thought I once deserved to be so loved my the Rapinoe Family. Throughout this friendship, all they did was to shield me from pain and heartaches. Skylar literally saved me as "Daughter" in her phone. Kai and I were practically siblings. 

- What about Sky? She can't sleep well without you. - I was being thoughtful of my other mother.

She chuckled before started talking.

- You know what Sky said when I told her I had to come over to you?

- What? - I was crackling already, and I hadn't even heard the story.

- I softly shook her: "Baby, baby, I have to tell you something." She opened her eyes a little bit, half asleep and asked me: "Uh?" And then I went "I need to see Tobin, are you ok with that?" She didn't say anything and went back to sleep, but before she started snoring again, she mumbled: "Even if it turns out that Tobin is your secret mistress, bring her over, I can share a wife." 

I burst out laughing and Pinoe also cracked up over there.

- Man, she loves you painfully. - Pinoe said. 

- I love her so much. The sweetest sis-in-law in the world. - I teared up a little. I didn't know if it was from the excessive laughter or from the deep end of my gratitude towards Sky.


Megan Rapinoe let me lie my head on her arm. We had been quite for almost an hour but the silence was so comfortable and reassuring. I felt safe enough with her next to me that even the sky was falling down, I thought I would still be ok because Pinoe would do something about it to secure me no matter what.


- Pinoe.

- Uh. - she exhaled peacefully.

- I think it's a perfect time for to give up on her. She's —

Not to wait until I finished my sentence, a slap went across my face.

- Ouch. - I held where she slapped me with my palm and looked at her innocently.

- Oops. Sorry for doing the right thing. - her sassy ass responded.

- What? - I asked.

I was completely shocked by her slap, although it didn't even hurt at all.

- You deserve that slap. You know it. - she really thought she did the right thing, which made me laugh.

- Our misunderstandings have been all solved. I'm at peace right now and so is she. I don't want to make it into a mess again. - I looked up at the ceiling as I explained to her why I wanted to do what I just told her.

Pinoe sort of looked at me for awhile and then disconnected our eye contact before she broke the silence first:

- You know Sky and I are surprisingly different, but we've gone through it all in the name of love.

Hello, Chris... Goodbye.Where stories live. Discover now