if the world was ending, you would...

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Pinoe asked me to plant a new tomato tree on the side of the garden for her so I went and did it. After finished and got ready to get back inside, very close to where I stood, a familiar voice raised up gently which stopped me from moving farther:

- There are two types of people in the world. The Megan Rapinoe type and the Tobin Heath type.

It was Sky's voice and she was mentioning me. I think they were in the middle of a conversation that I did not know of.

Like a coward, I took a step back and hid myself carefully.

- One promises you the world, and one cannot promise you anything but give you all of their world.

I felt bitterness in my throat.

Sky was wrong. I could not promise her anything and hadn't given her anything significant either. I was the asshole of all assholes.

- My wife is a sweet talker you know? - Sky chuckled. - But Tobin isn't. - she continued.

- Not all people can tough up at any given moment to say what they would like to say or can actually form what they wanna say into proper words.

- I sometimes would like Megan to shut the hell up, but at the same time, I appreciate her a lot for never confusing me. She's straightforward and that's her own charm. And being quiet is the charm of Tobin herself.

I smiled.

- Besides not being a vegetarian and falling in love with you deeper and deeper every day, Tobin Powell Heath is theoretically a monk. She wants quietness to create, she highly demands peace in her life compared to any other elements, she is kind and sweet, she is a woman of great learning. But now that she has decided to put down the barriers that she built up around her to let you in, so please notice her effort.

Guess what? The second job of Skylar Blue Rapinoe was to defend me unconditionally.

Chris remained silent persistently which made Sky broke it first as she asked:

- Which one would you pick?

For no reason, my heart beat out of my chest as I was somehow waiting for an answer from her.

After a few seconds, Chris said:

- It'd be weird if I pick Pinoe. I mean you're sitting right here, in front of me.

I knew she was joking, but somehow, my heart felt uneasy as she reluctantly chose me.

- Stop lying. You have been picking the quite type for a long time. - Sky giggled cheekily.

- But there's something I'm curious about. - Chris drove Sky to another topic.

Sky understood that she was just trying to get away with the situation, she sighed and asked:

- What is it?

- With that personality of Pinoe, do you guys even fight?

- Please I don't even have a chance to start a fight with her. She apologizes immediately even when it's entirely my fault. She has her way to make me talk about what I'm uncomfortable with. She's being brutally honest and showing her heart out to me. What is there about that woman for me to fight with? Nothing!

- Lucky you.

I hate that word. "Lucky". Who determines the definition of luck? I want a fight with that person all the time.

- Lucky my ass. Sometimes I just wanna fight but she's too adorable to be hurt by my harsh words so I just shut my mouth and give her a hug.

- Is there a problem to your relationship because of that? - Chris seemed worried.

Hello, Chris... Goodbye.Where stories live. Discover now