15. Involving Raymond

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When Anikaa reached home, Bahadur was setting table outside in the garden for breakfast and Rachel was on her phone in the living room.

"Good morning mam. Are you alright?" asked Rachel, seeing Anikaa.

"I'm good Rachel. Thanks," said Anikaa mechanically without looking at her.

"For last two days you disappear every morning, is everything alright?" asked Rachel tentatively.

"Oh it's nothing!" said Anikaa waving her hand in gesture to dismiss her.

But next moment, she realised her act and glanced at Rachel who was gloomily staring down at her Ipad. There is nothing wrong in caring for someone and Rachel is a girl who thole your whims, cares for your mood swings and most importantly stand by you at all times, admonished Anikaa's subconscious. "Of course," muttered Anikaa instinctively. Perhaps, I should reveal some pointers to Rachel, she decided.

Anikaa took Rachel's hand and said politely- "Rachel, everything is fine. Sometimes, I need inspiration for my painting and for that I've to be alone."

Rachel was overwhelmed with Anikaa's gesture. It was just like yesterday when Anikaa hired her, patting her hand and saying that from the very moment she will never be alone.

"Well, you know about last evening! I'm just worried about the painting. What am I going to say to Mr. Sturrock?" continued Anikaa.

"Don't worry mam. We'll figure that out," said Rachel gently.

"Mam, breakfast is ready," announced Bahadur.

"Let's eat," said Anikaa smiling.

"What's for breakfast Bahadur?" asked Anikaa reaching the table in the garden.

"We have oatmeal, boiled eggs, toast with peanut butter and orange juice," said Rachel smiling.

"What? Didn't I asked for Burritos and Pancakes," asked Anikaa crossly.

"Yes, but since you're taking so much leisure with cheese and fatty foods for last one week, we are having a healthy breakfast today," said Rachel enjoying herself.

"I'm not eating this. Bahadur, get me Burritos, Pancakes and Pineapple tart. I saw the chef baking it in the morning," said Anikaa gleefully.

"No." Rachel shook her head.

"Rachel...," scowled Anikaa.

"Mam, it's my duty to look after your health, part of my job and I'm doing this for your own good," said Rachel as a matter-of-fact.

"But, I hate oatmeal. It looks so unappetising," said Anikaa twisting her face.

"Yes, but it is healthy."

"Rachel, you're fired," said Anikaa pouting.

"Alright, but breakfast remains the same," said Rachel giggling.

There was no way that Rachel could defy Anikaa, but Shireen had personally instructed Rachel from day one to be strict with Anikaa's unhealthy eating habits. Anikaa also never complained as her slinky figure was attributed to Rachel's strict diet and exercise.

"Okay, let's make a deal. How about an hour of jogging in the evening?" suggested Anikaa which Rachel accepted immediately. After all exercising was much better than dieting. And, Rachel knew that one way or the other Anikaa will eat what she wants. Who can stop her?

Bahadur delightedly presented the breakfast, pleased that his madam won at the end and displeased that he and the other helpers, will have to finish the oats. During the breakfast, Anikaa and Rachel discussed the schedule for the whole day. They were about to break up when Rachel's phone rang.

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