10 - Cousin McAvoy

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Michael's POV

I looked at James, confused. Why was he upset again?

"You remember my cousin, Arianna?" James asked me quietly. 

I nodded. 

Arianna was James' closest cousin. They spent loads of time together! They made plans, like, twice a month to see each other and just hang out. Arianna is super nice and I see how James likes to hang out with her. 

"She was found dead. The doctors haven't found the cause of her death yet. They said that something happened to increase her blood pressure randomly and quickly." 

"Dead?" I repeat. 

James nods, obviously upset. 

This is just a great way to help James not fear dying in this whole thing. 

Note the sarcasm. 

I wrap my arms around James again to try and comfort him. It's not easy dealing with loss. Especially when you are scared of dying yourself. 

"Do you want me to stay with you for the night again?" I ask after a little while. 

James hesitated before nodding. "If yeh want to." He says quietly with a small shrug. 

I nod. "Then I will." 

James' POV

W-where am I?

What's happening? 

What is this place? 

I look around confused and alarmed. 

"'Ello?" I call out. 

No answer. 

Michael suddenly appears next to me. "Michael-?" I ask. He looks at me, looking just as confused as I feel. 

"James. Michael."

We both jump and look around to see where the voice came from and who said it. 

"You aren't going to find me because I'm not there." It's an English accent. 

"I fear you don't have as much time as I suspected-" 

"Charles!" I practically yell, figuring it out. 

A sigh. 

"Yes. Me again." He gives me a few sarcastic claps. 

A pause. 

"Erik is here with me and we are both working on finding a way out of here. But our captors are smart and have come up with many things we might try and block us from doing so. Danger is getting closer  and closer and I don't know if we can get out in time to stop it."

"James. They are getting particularly close to finding you. They found your cousin, and thinking I had given my mutation to her... well, you know what happened. Time is running out and I wish ever so much that I could pause time and change this all. But I can't."

"They are getting closer to finding you. Please, for the love of god, stay as safe as you can."

Another pause.

"It's not just my mutation I care about, you both know that, right? You both are connected to me and Erik and we do care for you even if we haven't fully met in person." 

"Be. Safe."

//We are now playing Clue. 

I think the person that killed Arianna McAvoy is Omega Red with his death spores in this story.\\

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