20 - Set

431 20 1

Michael looked up from his phone and over at James. "What is it?" James asked him, confused. 

"The guy who the Shadow King was standing over before he attacked us, Chris, he just woke up in the hospital. My friends who took him there say he's acting weird. We might need to go." Michael explained. James gave a nod. 

"Pryde, are you coming?" Michael asked. 

Kitty shrugged. "I guess Ellen might be more help to you here right now than I will. So we'll switch and I think she'll go with you if you want our company." 

Both actors nodded once. 

Pryde stumbled back. James sat up, alarmed. "It's alright." Michael said to James. "That's what she does when they switch." 

Ellen looks up. "You're better! Good." She gives a small smile to James. James only nods back. "Was it that bad?" Ellen asks. 

Neither of them answer which gives Page an answer. "What's the plan now?" 

Michael is the one to answer. "My friend just woke up in the hospital and is acting normal. We're gonna go check on him and see if there's anything we can do." 

"Was he effected by it as well?" 

"We found him with it over him, so maybe?" 

Ellen looked at both of them. "Alright, lets go." 

Michael walked over to James and helped him up. James was a bit wobbly but managed to get up. 

Fassbender looked over at his sword. He took a breath and looked away, deciding to leave it on the floor. He could always come back and get it, right? Michael felt a hand touch his own. James gently gripped Michael's hand. 

Michael had to remind himself that James was doing it for support. 

James looked at him with sad eyes. 

Michael, James, and Ellen arrived at the hospital a few minutes later. James and Fassy hadn't broken their connection. Not yet. 

Ellen was the one who talked to the nurse. The nurse, however, said that only two people were aloud to visit Chris and there was already two people in there. 

Two fingers raised to the side of James' temple. You never saw us. He said. The nurse nodded. "Room 308." James said out loud to his co-workers. 

The three actors made their way to a elevator and got in. Room 308 sat on the third floor. They were on the first. The elevator stopped on the second floor to allow a man in a black jacket that stuck up around his neck in. The man wore a grey scarf that also tied around his neck. 

The man looked over at the buttons on the wall and didn't press any of them. "Going to level 3 as well?" He asked. 

He was British. 

James, mockingly and jokingly, copied his British accent. "Yes, we are." Michael rolls his eyes at his friend. 

"How long have you been dating?" The man says looking down at James and Michael's connected hands. 

Both actors open their mouths. "Ah." The man says. "Just friends. Right." He winks. 

The elevator doors open and the man steps out first. Ellen snickers. Michael and James glare at her. 

Together, the three walk down an empty hallway, the man having gone down another one, and found room 308. Michael knocked on the door and Sadie opened it apparently having been standing next to it. 

"He's not doing so well..." was the first thing Sadie said. Sadie then noticed James. "You're alright, at least!" And then the small woman notices Ellen. "Miss Page, nice to see you again." 

Sadie moves aside to let them in. 

Chris is sitting up on his bed. His eyes are almost completely white. He was just staring ahead. Kris was trying to get him better by talking to him desperately, but nothing was working. 

"Shit."  Ellen says. 

"What? What is it?" Kris asks, looking up. She looked eager to help Chris and wanted him to be alright. 

Ellen looks at James and Michael. "He's stuck. In the Astral Plane. But it wasn't able to get to him. You guys distracted it before it could." 

"Why weren't we able to get to him?" James asked. 

"I... I don't know." 

"So then, James can go back and get him." Michael suggests. 

Ellen shakes her head. "I don't think it'll be that easy. Chris is probably scared out of his wits. He won't let anyone find him if he can help it." 

"What is going on?" Kris asked loudly, trying to remind the three that she and Sadie were still there. "Explain. Please. I want to know that Chris is ok." Kris said. 

There's a small knock on the door. Everyone panics. If it's a nurse or doctor, then they would all hein trouble. Probably kicked out. 

James immediately thinks of something. He grabs Ellen and pulls her over to him and Michael. "Stay still and silent." He says. James raises two fingers to his temple. 

Sadie hesitates before opening the door just a crack. "Yes?" She asks. "Oh, hi! Come in." Sadie opens the door wider and Jen walks in. 

She doesn't see James or the two other actors he is hiding. 

Stay right next to me and back up slowly against the wall. James commands the others mentally. 

As one, they manage to get over to the wall. Slowly, James lowers his fingers, allowing Jen to see them. 

"James! Michael!" Jen says. "I didn't see you there! Hi Ellen!" She smiles at them. 

Ellen smiles. Michael and James are hesitant to smile but they do. Both of them didn't want to bring Jen into this. 

Although, not out loud, they had considered not going back until this was over. They would be putting their friends in danger. They would be putting everyone there in danger. And none of them wanted that. 

"So. Have you guys figured out what's wrong with Chris?" Jen asked. 

Kris looked over at the three actors. "They did, apparently, but won't tell us." 

Sadie stood there, shocked. She was the only one who realized that James had made him, Michael, and Ellen disappear. 

Jen looks over at James and Michael. "Keeping secrets?" Jen teased. 

Fassavoy looked at each other. 

"Jen..." James said quietly. "You shouldn't have come?" 

Jen looked at James, surprised and hurt. "I- excuse me? I can do what I want, thank you very much. And McAvoy, Mr. Director was pretty upset when you didn't show up. Didn't even tell him that you left. None of you did. So I expect you guys to tell us the secrets your keeping. I want to know what is wrong with Chris and why you guys keep running off. It's honestly, ridiculous!" 

Michael stepped up to Jen. "We've just been busy. I bit too busy, ok? We'll tell you everything once it's all over." 

"C-can you tell us how you just disappeared?" Sadie asked, her voice shaky. 

James cursed himself. "We-we can't tell you." 

"Then I'm taking you back to set and you aren't going to be able to leave." Jen said. 

She can do that? Michael thought. Then he thought at James. Telepathy might come in handy right now, you know. 

Jen... James spoke inside of Jennifer's head. 

"What the fuck?!" 

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