27 - Goodbye

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"What? What about Charles?" Michael asked, his voice becoming concerned. 

James looks at Michael. "He said something happened to Erik. He isn't acting normal. Charles can't even get inside his head. Charles... he warned me something might happen.. to you." 

Michael's eyes grew wider as James went on. Jen stood there confused.

"Does-does Charles know what is happening to Erik?" Michael asks. 

James looks Michael in the eyes. His face is sad. "Onslaught." 

A hand runs through Michael's hair, messing his brown hair up. "Shit." He says quietly. "So, what do we do?" Fassbender says. 

"Charles says once his telepathy is back he's gonna transport us to him. We'll be in a sort of ghost form while there. He knows that Onslaught is a combination between himself and Erik, so if there are two Charleses there and another Erik, maybe we can overpower him." James explains. 

//Three gays v. one gay\\

"So we just wait until Charles has enough power to bring us there?" 

James nods. 

"Ok. Can you guys explain what's happening?" Jen asks, getting their attention to turn to her. "Because last time you kept something from me and everyone else here, we all almost got killed by mutants from a MADE UP universe." 

"Magneto somehow got both his and Chalres' consciousness inside his head- maybe it was from when we combined our powers- and because of his... darker mind, a dark figure took over his mind and this figure is called Onslaught. Onslaught is the combination of Charles and Erik. So if there are two Charleses and an Erik versus Onslaught, then maybe we can overpower him and get Erik back to his normal stage of mind." James says, sounding incredibly smart to Michael. 

I do sound smart, don't I? 

Yeah, you do. Michael gives James a weak smile. 

"Do you guys have a plan?" Jen asks them. 

James speaks again. "Say bye to everyone as quick as possible and get mentally and physically ready for this." 

"And you're just going to leave? Just like that? We risk our lives for you, and you just leave us behind?" Jen accuses harshly. 

"We aren't leaving permanently, Jen. It'll only be for a bit." James says soothingly. 

Jen takes a breath. "Well, good luck. Remember to come back home when your done." 

Both Michael and James smile a bit. The three hug and Jen says goodbye to her friends. 

The next person fassavoy find is Ellen. Ellen had left the first-aid trailer and had gone to find the small girl who had been caught in the middle of the fight. 

Ellen was soothing the girl who was gently crying into Ellen's arms. When Ellen noticed Michael and James, she pulled the young girl away and walked over to them. The girl stayed with Ellen, holding tightly to the woman's hand. 

Michael crouched down in front of the girl and smiled at her. "Are you alright?" He asks her. The girl nods and hugs Ellen's waist. Ellen reached down and wiped the tears from her face. "Nina was very strong during the past battle." Michael smiles. 

"Now, what news do you have to share, because I can see that worried look in your eyes, McAvoy." Ellen asks. 

James rolls his eyes. "We are leaving. Charles needs us in his world. Erik and Charles' consciousnesses combined in Erik's mind causing a form of Onslaught to takeover. Charles thinks that two Professor Xs and another Magneto, we might be able to defeat him." 

"What about me? I could help." 

James shakes his head. "You need to stay here. We don't know if there is more out there or not." 

Michael stands up gay and wraps an arm around James' waist. 

"Your gonna leave?" 

Both of them nod. 

"Do you need my help to get there?" Ellen asks. 

"No, Charles is going to do something that gets us in a sort of ghost form. He's going to do it so we can be there and not just replace their positions." 

You really have this all planned out, don't you? Did you like get Charles' message three hours ago and just took that time to come up with a plan? Michael teases James. 

James shakes his head a bit at Michael's comment. 

"We've come to say goodbye, Ellen." Michael says out loud. 

Ellen looks almost disappointed. "Alright. Good luck. Please don't die." 

"No promises." James jokes with a smile. 

Now Michael is the one to roll his eyes. 

Michael reaches down and pats the small gir-Nina's head. 

The three say goodbye and James and Michael move on. 

James, it's just about time. Are you ready? Charles' voice becomes audible in James' head. 

Yes, sir. One second. James responds. 

"We don't have enough time to say goodbye to everyone. Charles wants to do it now." James says to Michael. 

"Try and send a mental message to everyone," Michael suggests. 

James nods. 

Hello, everyone. Me and Michael Fassbender are leaving. It's urgent. We are both sorry to leave so soon. We will return as soon as possible. Bye, mates. James sends a mental message to everyone that his mind can reach and he hopes it was everyone. 

James sent a separate message to Nick, Jen, and Ellen. Keep this place in check while we're gone. Try and clean stuff up. We'll be back soon. 

James closes his eyes and sighs. Michael rubs James' arm comfortingly. McAvoy turns to Fassbender and the two connect their lips for a few seconds. It's a gentle kiss. James pulls away first. "You ready?" He asks Michael.

"Let's go," Michael responds. 

James nods. Do it, Charles. 

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