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To whoever found this,

     How long I can keep it a secret about what's to come, I don't know. Disguising as a seven year old and being faced with Michael and James is hard. Everyone else's' memories are erased. Except for Ellen, James and Michael, and mine. 

     I was placed in this body a few months ago by Ms. Grey. It was difficult to act like a seven year old when I'm actually much older. But I had to keep my fake facade up. It's for your sake as well as every other person in this odd world.

     My goal is to find the few who can help me before it all starts. I don't know how much time I have left, but I'm going to try. And I'm going to try to keep James and Michael out of this situation for as long as possible. The longer I keep them away, the longer they stay in safety.

     They can't know what's going on for a while. I'll have to figure this out on my own until I get the help I need to solve this growing problem.



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