25 - During

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Michael's eyes snapped open. He was back. He wasn't back in James' actual house like he had been in during the sword fight with the Shadow King, he was back in the blank horizon that went on forever unless told otherwise. 

He took a breath. Would he be able to do this? He didn't know. So. Michael tried thinking of the object he wanted. He thought of something simple. A small BB gun. 

To his surprising, it appeared on the ground in front of him. Okay! Nice! 

Next, Michael thought of a box that contained fifty small (already loaded) BB guns so he didn't come back to his world with a pile of guns in his hand. 

A box appeared in front of him. 

Michael went on for a while, thinking up strange weapons that could be used by his co-workers. 

In the end, Michael had thought of daggers, swords, pistols, bows and arrows, shields, Spears, and others. He even was able to get the sword he had used before! 

Now was the next challenge: getting all this shit back to Michael's world. 

Michael took it upon himself to pile all the weapons up on top of each other. And so he did. Which resulted in a pile taller than Michael himself. And what did he do? He picked it all up and got himself back to his world. 

Ellen was, honestly, shocked when a large pile of weapons came crashing down next to her. She almost let Michael's consciousness slip. But she didn't. 

Michael's eyes opened again to see his world. He sat right up. "Help me bring these weapons down to the others?" He asked Ellen. 

Ellen stares at Michael for a second before picking up half the pile of weapons. "Are these loaded?" She asks him. Michael nods. "Great." She mutters sarcastically. 

Fassbender picks up the other half of the weapon pile and grabs his sword from the floor. Then it occurred to him. 

He could just float all- or most- of the weapons instead of carrying them! Michael chuckled when he realized this. 

"Let me take the metal ones." He says to Ellen. Ellen looks at him, confused. Michael smiles and makes the metal weapons float, leaving a few swords and a few axes. 

With one hand, he reached up and grabbed his sword. "Let's go." He says to Ellen. 

The two actors walk together to try and find where exactly there were filming. They come around a corner and hear someone shout. "What the fuck!" 

Michael is smiling ever so slightly when he comes into view of the group of people who were trying to film. James stood at the front of the group and grinned at Michael. 

One of the pistols moved towards James and hovered in front of him. James smiled and took the weapon out of mid-air. 

"I KNEW IT" Nick cried from somewhere in the crowd when he saw Michael levitating the objects. 

"Everyone take a weapon. Keep those who refuse to fight protected. This could get messy." Michael called out to the group. 

All of the men and most of the women grabbed a weapon. The rest grabbed shields and hid in the back of the group. 

There was a loud smash. Many of the members in the group gasped. Michael and Ellen moved to join the group. Fassbender walked right up and took position next to James. 

"Keep your powers secret unless you have to use them. They won't know who has the mutations until one of us uses ours." Ellen says. 

Then, a sound that no one wanted to hear filled everyone's ears. 

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