Special Thanks!

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I just want to start this off by saying Happy Holidays. To those who celebrate Christmas and to those who don't, I wish you the best whatever you believe and or celebrate.

I want to thank all of those who have been with me for the two years or so I've been writing on here. I am so grateful for each and every one of you. If it were not for you none of these books would ever have been thought of let alone wrote. It's because of you all that I can even consider myself an author.

Next, I want to give a special thanks to sanderstalker for proofreading and keeping me motivated and focused. Were it not for them I know for a fact I would never have finished it in time. Thank you lots :)

Finally, I want to express how proud I am of myself over these two years. I was never as dedicated a writer. However, I have written constantly and consistently since starting this and don't plan on stopping any time soon. The fact that I have finished one book let alone the many I have is an accomplishment I am very happy to have achieved.

Thank you all for sticking with me like you have. I wish you all the best holidays, new years, and I hope the next decade will bring many more amazing things to share and read.

Without further delay... The second installment to Keeper Trilogy: Fearkeeper

 The second installment to Keeper Trilogy: Fearkeeper

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Fearkeeper: Book 2 (Keeper Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now