Hikaru Asahina

932 26 4

Age - 26

Occupation - Novelist

Cross-dresser/ clever and manipulative 

- How you met

You were at the library since you loved to read, when you bumped into someone, she was wearing a red dress, a black leather jacket, black pantyhose, jewelry, and makeup. "Oh, i'm sorry" you apologized getting back in to the book you were checking out. 

Little did you know that he had been watching you since the time you got in to the library. "Do you like this authors books?" The woman you bumped in to asked. "Yes, he is an amazing writer." he smiled at your out burst. 

Later that day he revealed that he was cross-dressing in order to get ideas for his novel and you got his autograph.      

- When you hug him

"Oh my, thank you (y/n) I needed that." He hugs you back

- When you give him a kiss

He laughs and goes back in to his writing. 

- When you ask him for a kiss

He laughs and quickly gives you a kiss before getting back to his work. 

- When you sit on his lap

You were trying to get his attention but he was too busy, writing his novel to give you any that you sat on his lap blocking his view from the computer screen. He looked shocked for a minute and surprised with your actions, but he decided to hug you and put his head over your shoulders and work on his novel. At least you got his attention.

- When you wave at him

He waves back "I love you pretty woman" he screamed as loud as he can making you blush as everyone around you stared at you. 

- When he sees you naked

You were changing your clothes when he barged in, he just chuckled awkwardly said sorry and shut the door. you could hear his footstep as he ran to the room and his bedroom door shut close he was probably going to write about it. 

- Zodiac sign

Leo, the Lion.

- He gets jealous

He drags you away from the seen immediately saying that he found a cute dress and that you had to try it on immediately. 

- You steal something of his

You were sick and tired of Hikaru locking himself in his room the all the time so you took his keyboard and hid in your closet. He spent the rest of the day searching for it and asked you were it was you told him that he would only get it back if he goes out on a date with you. 'he says that is an impressive way to ask a guy out and he agrees on going out for a date' 

- When you get sick

He takes care of you and jot down ideas for his novel, as he thinks it could be one juicy scene. 

- He uses a pick up line

Shall i compare thee to a summers day? You're hot

- when you are on your period

He keeps track of your period, and makes sure you have all you need

- when you tell him you are pregnant

'we need to talk' you said as you put your griped the hands on the chair he was sitting in forcing him to look at you. He held a look of concern and worry as millions of questions popped up in to his head at the same time. 'Yes, what is it (y/n)?" He asked as calmly as possible. You took a deep breath and gave him a look before shouting out excitedly. "I'M PREGNANT!" you both have been trying for a kid for a couple of months now. He looked shocked as he was over whelmed with emotions. As he pulled you into a hug, lost of words. 

End Of Chapter - 

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