Louis Asahina

776 23 4

Age- 22

Occupation - Hairdresser 

Beautiful and Mysterious/ never seems to be paying attention

- How you met

You just had a bad day, and wanted to let it all out. you decided to do that by giving yourself a haircut. You decided to go to one of the best hairstylist in the japan. He told you how beautiful your hair was and made your day better. You ended up not cutting your hair after all. 

- When you hug him

Smiles and hugs you and pats your head, before asking you if he can style your hair. 

- When you give him a kiss

He smiles, kissing you again. "That was lovely (y/n)" he said before pulling you into another kiss. 

- When you ask him for a kiss

He kisses you passionately and asks you if he can do your hair.

- When you sit on his lap

He starts playing with you hair, and asks how your day was. 

- When you wave at him

He walks up to you and hugs you.

- When he sees you naked

He doesn't mind seeing you naked he just walked in and told you how beautiful you were, while you got dressed and he did your hair.

- Zodiac sign

Pisces, the fish.

- He gets jealous

You both were talking sitting at a cafe, when a guy approached you and asked for you number when you politely refused. Louis seemed surprisingly calm. "I want to burn him with a curling iron" he said making you look at him with shock.

- You steal something of his

You stole his curling iron, you were curling your hair in your room. When a panicked Louis slammed the door to your room. "Have you seen my..." he trailed off and relaxed when he saw it in your hands.

- When you get sick

He takes care of you, and remains calm and takes his day off from work to look after you.

- He uses a pick up line

You really shouldn't wear makeup. You're messing with perfection!

- when you are on your period

He turns into an awkward potato, he gets painkillers for you and tells your boss to cut down your work hours. 

- when you tell him you are pregnant

"Louis, I'm pregnant" you chanted as you hugged him. He smiled and hugged you back. "I'm going to be a dad?" He asked. You nodded. "I'm sure the baby will have beautiful hair" he said putting his hand on your stomach.

End Of Chapter - 

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