Chapter 14: Missing Samantha

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Two police cars are outside of Bethany's house. Inside, there are three police officers and Aaron. They are with Bethany, who sits at the dining room table with one hand on her forehead. She is crying and sobbing as Aaron stands next to her holding her hand.

"I assure you, Beth, I... Will do everything within my power to help find her... This, I promise."

"Where could she have gone?! And after what happened to you, I'm just fearing the worse...."

One of the police officers approaches them closer.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry. Nothing about this looks like she was just taken, it is possible she simply left. Is there a friend of her's you can contact? Maybe she just went out with a friend, or..."

Bethany looks up at the officer, shaking her head.

"My daughter doesn't have those type of friends. She's very distanced from people, all she has is classmates and acquaintances. Her only friend is right here with me trying to figure out what happened!"

Aaron licks his lips and looks at each officer with puzzled eyes.

"As strange as it sounds... Why would you say she didn't leave against her will? You said, yourself, that her bedroom looks like it was turned inside out. Surely that's gotta--"

"With all due respect, sir, we have no idea if her room has always been a mess. Besides, I'm not a detective okay? I'm a cop. From the looks of her bedroom, it would appear she was looking for something to wear before going out. But if you want to confirm or deny that, you might want to hire a private eye."

Another one of the officers steps forward in an attempt to ease the tension that his partner is feeding into.

"Or, you can just chill out for now. Wait it out till morning time and see if she comes back. She's probably out clubbing or something."

Bethany stands from her seat, now with both hands firmly planted on the table as her lower legs slightly push the chair back.

"Did you say 'clubbing'?!"

Bethany angrily objects to the suggestion with a breaking voice that carries the raspy tune of desperation and sorrow as the officer takes a small step back.

"My daughter does not do "clubs," officer. She's all about her family and school, and... Ugh! You know what? You're no help at all. Your entire police force is a joke! Useless! When Aaron went missing you people made no effort to find him! He, himself, had to call to tell you where the hell he was being held! Even one of your own investigators went missing and you STILL haven't found her! What hope is there that you will find my baby doll?! Huh?!"

Aaron rubs her shoulders. She lowers her head as persistent tears run down her face. She calmly sits back down and Aaron shakes his head with his eyebrows coming closer together.

"Beth, we'll find her. I don't care if I have to pour my conglomerate's entire net worth into the search efforts, we will find her."

The officers look at one another and then one of them hesitantly speaks to Bethany.

"I'm sorry your confidence in us has been challenged, ma'am. But we will help as much as we can. We've filed the incident report, so in the meantime check places she frequents, places she may go to when she wants to be alone, check the school and ask her classmates. If you haven't heard from her in three weeks, you may contact us to file a missing person's report."

Bethany scoffs.

"Three weeks?! Are you out of your mind with three weeks? If I wait three weeks, it might be too late! We'll be filing a 'dead' person's report by then!"

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