Chapter 25: The Self-Destruction of Bethany Lawrence, Part 2

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"Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Happy New Year!"

The cheering and laughter of an excited crowd shakes the television's speakers, as a very uncheerful Samantha sits on the couch watching the televised celebration. She is obviously unamused by what she's watching, however, the look in her eye accented by the reflection of the television's flickering lights, tells the story of a devastated girl who misses her life and freedom.

Aaron has come downstairs and is walking toward Samantha with a bottle of champagne and two fancy cups. He sits on the couch next to her and places the glass cups on the coffee table. Samantha is staring blankly at the television screen without paying attention. Aaron pops the cork off the champagne bottle and pours a serving into each glass. He then hands a glass to Samantha, who of course does not take it.

"Happy New Year, Sam..."

Samantha's eyes shift toward Aaron, but return to the television just as she begins to speak.

"I was supposed to be in New York tonight... I had been planning it for months... It was gonna be my first time in the big city... New Years in Times Square..."

"Let's make the best of what we've got, Sam..."

"Aaron... I don't have anything. I have chain, and you have a slave. How can I make--"

"Samantha, darling... I don't have you here as my slave, no... A slave is one who does hard labor for their master. If not hard labor, then other undesireable acts... I haven't asked you to lift a finger... I am not making you do anything... I provided you with the most comfortable bed, sofas, a bar, a bathroom, with a luxurious jacuzzi might i add, and you don't even have to worry about cleaning after yourself... I bring you clean towels, clean clothes, fresh food... Hell, I've even gotten you the most expensive cable package... If that's being a slave, then--"

"You try to convince yourself differently, but you know it's true. I'm a prisoner."

Aaron looks at Samantha with raised eyebrows and recoiled lips. He then drinks the champagne he was offering her, all in one gulp. He shakes his head and starts looking at the television.

Bethany's house is very quiet. The television is off, and so are most of the lights. Bethany is now in Samantha's bedroom, stuffing random clothes carelessly into a large suitcase. Tears are gently running down her face.

"This old year? Gone! And with it? All my pain. Anything that reminds me of the pain and loss? Out, out, out!"

She is obviously drunk as she speaks to herself with a heavy tongue. Her physical movement is wavy and ungraceful as she overpacks the luggage she is working with.

"And I don't care. I don't give a damn if that's her favorite sweater. If she is found, we'll just go shopping. New wardrobe for the rebirth of my doll!"

She hiccups and then gulps an inward belch. She taps her chest while her eyebrows come together in discomfort.

"Oh God, now where did I put my drink?"

She turns and looks around the room. She sees a glass on top of the dresser and reaches for it. After stumbling a bit, she knocks over the glass, spilling its content, but grabs the glass anyhow, ignoring the spill. She brings the glass to her lips and tilts to sip but the glass is now empty. She angrily pouts and then closes one eye shut to use her open eye for inspecting the bottom of the empty cup.

"What the hell..."

Bethany takes an abstracted walk and stumbles through the doorway. She walks down the stairs into the main floor and goes to the kitchen. She grabs an open bottle of wine that sits on the kitchen counter and takkes it with her bak up the steps. She sips directly from the bottle as she makes it upstairs.

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