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The Desolation of Smaug

The last thing I remember was being bitten alive by the white warg. The world came crashing down around me and I was asleep.

I was dead.

"Keena," I heard a voice from the darkness that had consumed me. It was a small angelic like voice. I knew this voice. It was my mother.

"Ma?" I questioned aloud and turned around. I found myself then absorbed by light. Then to be faced by her. Marissa Longriver. My mother. "Ma!"

"My sweetest Keena," she spoke and drew me in for a hug. I held her close to me. I felt my body shaking. So it was true. I did die. This is the afterlife and my mother is the first to greet me which must mean my father isn't too far behind.

"I wasn't expecting to be dead so soon, but it's so good to see you. I've missed you and da terribly," I explained to my mother as I felt tears build up in my eyes.

"Oh dear, you're not dead yet. You're life is hanging on the line of life and death. We are here to guide you," mother replied while she ran a hand through my hair.


"Yes we," said a male voice this time. There he was. The tall red headed elf came walking to us, greeted my mother with a kiss on her cheek before stopping before me. Qildor Gredan. My father. "We are here to tell you it isn't your time yet. You have an adventure that needs finishing," my father began and grabbed for my hand. "And someone down on middle earth will be heart broken about your sudden death my Mime -iel (daughter)." He finishes as his hand landed on my face, cupping it.

Thinking it was Bilbo he was talking about my mind yields to the sight of Bilbo and how he might be reacting to all this. He would very very heart broken to see his last family member dead at his feet.

"The dwarf." Mother beckoned.

I blinked. They were speaking of Thorin. My heart sank. Oh how I'm glad I was able to save the man I cared for so deeply, so he can finish his quest. I thought that saving his life was my life's purpose. So a dwarf king can reclaim his homeland. But it's not. If what my parents say is true, my life doesn't end here.

"We are glad we are finally able to talk again, Keena," my father continues speaking whilst I was in thought. He catches my attention and I star at my parents. They were smiling. I smiled back. "But it's time to wake up."


I was laying down against a rock, my head hanging as the others were crowded around. They had sent Bilbo off to scout how far off the orc pack was behind us. Thorin was standing close to my sitting frame.

It has been several weeks since our first encounter with the pale orc. Ever since thorin never left my side. He would always be holding my hand while taking a break from walking. He would save time to chat with me on my fairings as the journey continued. All while I was beginning to heal up from my wounds.

It was hard walking as it took all the strength out of me. The dwarves would take turns carrying me when it came down to it. Thorin offered to carry me mostly, but time to time Dwalin, Gandalf, Killi or Filli offered to carry me as well.

Soon I hear the intruding footsteps of Bilbo and I pick up my head.

"How close is the pack?" Gandalf asks the hobbit.

Bilbo catches his breath first before replying, "Too close, couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it."

"Have the Orcs picked up our scent?" Asked a curious Dwalin.

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