18 - defeat

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Battle of the Five Armies

We sat miserably at a cliff overlooking LakeTown. I dare to even watch. The town once full of life and talk, was now burning in flames. I'm not much of a crier but to know some of our company and my own kin are down there caused tears to escape my eyes. 

"Shhh," Bilbo tried to console me as he sat beside my shaking body, his arm draped around my shoulders and my head resting against him, my face buried in his jacket. 

"Poor souls," I heard the voice of Balin speak with a heavy sigh. 

I could hear the screams. The cries. I could feel the pain. It was overwhelming. It was all because of us. We woke the dragon. We failed to kill it. Now we pay the price.

I could only hope that Arlayna and Thasinia were okay. That they were either helping evacuate the town or better yet left before the attack. As for Kili, Fili, Oin, and Bofur. I spoke many blessings that theyd make it out alive, that Kili didn't succumb to his wound and die while escaping the dragon fire. Dear Bard and his three children. His lads probably scared beyond measure. Now what would happen once Smaug was pleased?

Would he return to the mountain to finish us all off?

Would he go reap havoc across Mirkwood? Through the shire?

My body shuddered at the thought. What will happen to us?


Some time has passed. A good hour felt like an eternty, but we all stopped in our tracks upon hearing a loud booming sound coming from LakeTown. 

By now, my crying as slowed and I could actually look out upon the kaos. But if my eyes decived me, I could have sworn I seen a shadow of a large beast fall from the sky, the hue of orange from its chest fading until it made a splash into the water below.

"Wh-what was that?" Gloin immeditely questioned as he stood up from his spot on a rock.

"It fell, I saw it. It's dead, didn't you see Keena? The dragon fell," Bilbo began speaking before turning to me. I could only nod my head.

"By my beard, I think hes right," Gloin spoke excitedly, stroking his red beard out of curiosity. 

"Smaug is dead," I whispered only to regain my senses and look eagerly around for Thorin. I would have thought he was be here with us cheering for the death of Smaug, but I was confused to see him off facing the mountain, his arms behind his back and his breathing steady. 

I picked myself up and headed to Thorin who didn't bother to acknowledge I was beside him.

"Thorin?" I spoke gently and grabbed his sleeve. As if snapping out of a daze, his face turned towards me and a small smile appeared. I couldn't help but smile back and I had felt his arm wrap securely around my waist.

"Erebor, its ours," He spoke lowly, loud enough for only I could hear.

With that said, he grabbed my hand and began leading me back within the mountain. This caused the rest of the company to follow suit and soon we found ourselves back at the Hall of the Kings, the ground covered in a layer of gold. I watched Thorin let go of my hand to kneel down and stroke the floor.

Looking around for Bilbo, he had seemed to be just as confused as I was when he saw Thorin gazing at the gold covered floor as if it were his lover.

"It wont be long before all of Middle Earth heres the news Smaug is dead, and many will seek the riches inside this mountain," I heard Thorin speak before he turned to us all who all stood stuck at the entrance.

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