Chapter 6

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When we arrive to Oralie's sparkly house - who am I kidding, it's a palace - my heart starts to beat so loudly I swear aliens up in mars can hear it.

Keefe gives a worried glance for the 9th time today. Yes, I counted.

"I'm fine Keefe, really. Just a little nervous." I say when I see him start to open his mouth to tell me something.

"Are you sure?" he asks anxiously. " You're emotions are... intense."

Wow, thanks, Keefe. I'm back on fire truck mode. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Get out of my way! This special fire truck needs an extremely cold shower!

Anyways, I keep thinking that Oralie's going to say someone died. I mean, why else could it be so urgent? Well, I guess there are other reasons, but still, she sounded really anxious. What if the person that died is someone I like? What if it's someone I hate, like Stina? Would I be happy that she died and then feel super guilty or be immediately crushed by grief? I don't know which one is better. If it's someone I like, how would I react? It couldn't be Keefe, he's right next to me...

'Yeah, he's right next to you and looking at you like you're crazy - which you are - again.' Nira says, snapping me back into reality.

Oh, yeah, that.

"Soooo, are you ready to go in?" I ask, as if I didn't just zone out for a few minutes.

"Yup, I am, but are you?" He asks, obviously worried. "I mean, you have been acting really weird all day and—"

"I'm fine, just worried about being th - stuff" I say.

Great job, Sophie, you just gave him another reason to be worried. Oh, and even better, he's going to ask what I was going to say. And he's going to be really annoying. And he can tell when I'm lying. And-

'Umm, Sophie?'


'He's about to slap you because you zoned out again'

I snap back into reality just in time. I see his hands flying towards my face and I growl. Yup, I growl. Right when I thought the day couldn't get any weirder, I growl. Normal. Happens everyday.

I growl (again) and say in a scary voice, "Stop"

"Sophie?" Keefe starts to say anxiously. "Your eyes—"

He is abruptly cut off by my agonized yell when I feel my arm break in half.

'Breath, Sophie. It's okay. This might hurt a little, but you will survive. I promise. Tell Keefe to get you to a clear area. You are manifesting your true ability.'

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?" I scream, rather loudly if you ask me.

"Um, I'm not sure what you're talking about, but can you tell me what's happ-" Keefe rushes out, obviously panicking, but is cut off by my yell when my leg breaks.

'I promise you'll be alright. Now get to a clear space.'

"Keefe, get me to a clear space. Now."

"But Ora -"


"Okay, okay." He says, easily picking me up and carrying me into Oralie's backyard. "Jeez, Froggy, what is going on?"

"I don't know" I say, panting and trying not to scream, yell, or make any noise that communicates pain.

"Come on, you have to know something."

"All I know is that I'm manifesting again."


"That's what I thought." I say, still panting.

Sandor is going to kill me.

I gasp when I feel my other leg break. A few stray tears start rolling down my face.

I just lay there, panting, thinking it couldn't get any worse, but of course, it did.

I scream the loudest I have ever screamed before when my spine breaks in half. I am now crouched over, with a worried Keefe holding on to me.


'Yes, and I am not a 'voice person'. Neither is Nira.'

'Then who are you?'

'My name is Adira. I am your protector and guide. You are manifesting to be able to talk to me, shift into my form and any other form you can possibly think of, and regain your memories that have been taken away because of the war. Once this occurs, you will be able to resume your rightful position as Queen of Pure Elves. You will also be able to call upon me when you are in trouble. Once you do this, I will appear alongside you and fight for you. This manifest will unleash a powerful wave of pure white light, which could be harmful to most elves, especially dark elves. I would recommend for Keefe to get as far away as possible since he is the direct son of Lady Gisela, Queen of Dark elves, but he is... different. His aura is one of the purest I have ever seen, other than yours. I will give you more information later, but now you have to focus on manifesting. Getting your memories back will be extremely painful. You are not living in the world you thought you were, Sophie.'

A/N: Finally! Another update! I'm sorry for the long wait. I think this chapter is actually okay. It's not the best (none of my chapters are) but it's not that bad. That just my opinion, though. You can hate it if you want, just please don't write it in the comments. No one has said anything rude, but I would not appreciate it at all if you started hating on my story. You do you, hate it in your mind, complain about how horrible it is to your friends, but don't write it down. I am perfectly fine with constructive criticism. In fact, I love it if you guys would tell me what's I can improve with my writing. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy Holidays or what ever you celebrate!

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